

Damon walked out of Amelia's chambers only to bang into Ethan, who was by the gate side.

They both maintained an intense suspense gaze for a very long time, and after some time,Damon turned to walk away from him.

His anger is seen in him as he clenches his fist loudly on the floor.

"How's she?" Ethan asked, turning to face Damon, who in turn stopped at his track.

"How is that suddenly your business? " he asked, glaring Dangerously at him, the tension between them became so vast and intense that the birds sang in accordance with the tone of the tension among them.

"Please, just let it all go for heaven's sake." Ethan had pleaded with Damon. He had expected him to give him a positive answer about Amelia's health, but his response was what he didn't expect.

"First you claim Sylvia and then subject your mate to slavery's. What is that called foolishness, selfishness, or Desires? "He asked, staring angrily at Ethan, who had kept quiet.

"You don't ge
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