
Chapter 69 - Vileness


Author's POV


"What are you talking about?" Maia asks, looking at Charon in disbelief.

'Is this their plan? Is this what they have cooked up to try to get her to agree to the marriage? Fabricating some lie about her being a princess, are there no bounds to their vileness?' She thinks to herself.

"You are not who you have been brought up to believe, Amairaa. You-"

"-Don't call me that! That is not my name, and you know it! Is this your fucking hope? That you were going to spin me some lie about being a princess, and I would suddenly see you as deserving of me and fall into your trap?"

"It's not a lie. It's the truth-"

"-No, it's not, and it's not going to work! Please, I love Kyros. Please, just let us go," she says, her voice breaking towards the end, but a gasp soon escapes her mouth as she finds herself pinned against the headboard.

"I told you not to ever say that name in my presence again," Charon growls in her face, frustrated by
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Comments (5)
goodnovel comment avatar
Thee Phoenix
Very weird. His magic definitely came into play.
goodnovel comment avatar
Nastacia Rodney
that was some weird shit though!! lol
goodnovel comment avatar
Nastacia Rodney
I love, who it turned out to be.

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