

Two Packs - 

Silvercrest Knights - Alpha - Ares Kincaid; Luna - Unknown

Turquoise Falls - Alpha - Albert Adams; Ex-Luna - Amelia.


There are also mention of few other realms (or will be in future)-

Dorchas - realm of the vampire 

Verfarkas - realm of the wolves

There are lot of Gods and goddesses in Euretya, but the ones that are mentioned in this story: 

1. Selene - The goddess of moon - Lycans and wolf shifter's worship her

2. Kaheli - Goddess of death  

3. Israh - Goddess of kindness. 


The creatures in this story: 

Werewolves - They can shift into wolves 

Lycans - They can shift into wolves and also to the primordial Lycans, who could stand on two legs. 

Witches - They have powerful magic. The magic inside them will strengthen their spells. Some powerful witches have strong elemental magic as well. 


Hybrids - Mix of two breeds

Tribrids - Mix of three breeds (Like Elyn, who was both an Unblessed and Fae, and a wolf from her mother's side. 


Artefacts and important locations:

Dread Woods of Delvitga - A dead, dry forest filled with nightmarish creatures. 


Mating age:

Wolves/ lycans - find their mates at 18. Usually they shift at 16 or 17 depending on their blood line. 

I think I have covered all of it. If you still have questions or doubts, post it in the comments.) 

Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Shay Rox
thank you for this
goodnovel comment avatar
Onyx Queen
it is updated everyday. the next chapter is already up
goodnovel comment avatar
Aleli Fer-Ann Y. Colinares
Hello just wondering when are you going to update this story?

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