
The Party

"Mom, we're going to a party tonight." Drago notified.

"Wow!" She exclaimed, excited to hear that her children were attending a party for the very first time. "You guys never told me there's a party."

"That's because we never intend to attend to one." Emily said.

"So, why the change of mind?" She queried.

"We changed our minds this time." Drago replied.

"I'll order the driver to take you guys over. Try not to stay up late at night." She warned. "And again, be careful, I heard there are strange wolves in the city. Don't let them find you."

"We won't." They assured her and left.

Emily's heart was pounding fast. She has never been to a party before so attending one felt like a burden to her. The numerous faces she'll see, the itchy smell of alcohols and the unpleasant experiences likely to take place.

"You're scared, aren't you?" Drago asked her.

"Not really, just nervous. Why?"

"I can hear your heartbeat loud and clear." He answered.

"Sorry. I'm trying to fight the feeling."

"I already
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