
#Chapter 36 - Edith


Days go by after I broke into Luna’s room. I barely see Atwood the entire time; he pretty much stays in his study all day these days, and when I do see him, neither of us puts in much of an effort to talk to one another. I’m still angry about the way that he yelled at me, and how he won’t just tell me about Luna or this supposed “curse”. How am I supposed to be his mate if he won’t just talk to me?

To make matters worse, Nancy won’t talk to me at school anymore. The days go by slowly without her there to make me laugh, and word quickly gets around about my violent outburst at her sleepover, so everyone is avoiding me and talking about me behind my back.

I’ve never felt more alone.

My etiquette lessons with the Queen only become more strict and more frequent now, too, but at this point I’ve simply run out of energy to stand up for myself. I think Alice and the Queen are pleased with themselves: they know they’ve broken me by now.

I get home from school one day and head straight to
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