
#Chapter 54: The Witch’s Hut


Somehow, I do manage to finish my paper on Macbeth and hand it in to Alice the next morning at the beginning of our lesson. She doesn’t even look at it! She throws it into the fire right in front of me, which angers me greatly after I spent so much time on it, but I decide not to say anything.

We spend the entire lesson reading Macbeth once again. By the end of the lesson I’ve already finished the play. Alice takes the book from me and absentmindedly waves me away, dismissing me without a word.

Alice’s dismissive attitude would normally bother me, but it seems that she’s acting this way because she’s distracted; this is perfect for me because it means that I’ll be able to sneak away and find Marisa Elder.

I run back to my room and change into warmer clothes to brave the cold weather, then bound down the stairs and out the back door before anyone notices. The new snow falling should cover my tracks, allowing me to make it to Nancy’s house without anyone being able to find me.

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