
Chapter 4: He Saw Me Naked

"Your naked body should only belong to those who fall in love with your naked soul."

-Charlie Chaplin-


Levana finished the last bite of the steak and felt satisfied. For the first time in a while, she was eating a delicious meal like this.

Before, she always had to budget and cooked mostly at home, but her cooking skill was just mediocre, so the food always turned out okay, but not the best.

Never in her life did she ever think her best meal would be given to her by a man who just purchased her off an auction home.

“Now that’s done, what should I do next?” She wondered. She rose from the seat and placed the tray of empty plates outside just like people did in the hotel and then looked around the room.

Apparently, she didn’t just get her own room, but also her own bathroom with a personal bathtub. She had not showered for a whole day and was starting to feel uncomfortable.

“I should take a bath. I’ve never tried it before.” She told herself before removing the white lingerie dress hybrid from before and ran the warm water.

They even gave her a bath salt in the room and of course she had to sprinkle some. It made the bath water even more relaxing.

Once it was ready, she slowly put her feet in and felt an instant rush of relaxation spreading all over her body.

It was her first time in a bathtub and she was certain she would be taking a bath more often than shower from then on.

Levana was so busy cleaning herself that she didn’t realize someone had gotten into her room and opened the bathroom door by accident.

She turned around and saw a burgundy haired man with green eyes standing in front of the bathroom door and when they locked eyes, she instantly screamed, grabbed a bar of soap and threw it to the man.

It hit his face and the man groaned in pain.

“What the hell!” He shouted as he touched his bleeding nose.

“Get out of the bathroom!” Levana screamed and the door opened once again. This time, it was Kilian.

Kilian saw Levana in the bathtub and his brother, who was a little tipsy and high standing there. Levana was covering her chest with her arms and his brother’s nose was bleeding. It was a messy sight to behold.

However, Kilian couldn’t lie, seeing her naked like that made him feel a certain type of way. He could feel his boner slowly rising and he didn’t like it at that moment because she looked horrified.

He quickly turned his head around to respect her and grabbed his brother’s hand.

“Maximus, you got the wrong room.” Kilian quickly dragged his brother out of there and Levana wasted no time.

She rose from the bath, rinsed herself off quickly and grabbed a towel before heading to the closet to find a clean dress.

There were mostly dresses in the closet, which was not her style, but she just grabbed whatever looked the most comfortable and then jumped onto the bed to process her emotions.

She was so embarrassed she almost felt like crying. Levana was not the most emotional person and she didn’t cry easily, however, what happened earlier was so embarrassing for her.

She was not a virgin, she had a boyfriend in the past, but she was not someone who easily showed her skin to others as well.

To be seen naked by a man she didn’t know, it felt horrible.

After a while, there was a knock on her door. It was Kilian.

“Levana, are you still awake?” He asked. She wondered if she should ignore him or open the door. In the end, she chose to act more mature and opened the door.

She saw Kilian standing there with a slightly apologetic gaze.

“Are you okay now?” He asked. Levana nodded slowly in response. She was not okay, but she has calmed down a little.

“I want to invite you for a midnight snack in the living room and address what happened earlier. Come with me.” He demanded.

Levana didn’t know what he wanted, but she followed him anyway to the living room and when she stepped in, the burgundy haired man from earlier was there as well.

His nose was no longer bleeding but he definitely looked a little pissed.

“Brother, did you bring back a toy? That’s unlike you.” He said with a smug grin on his face to mask his anger.

“Watch your mouth, Maximus. Levana here is my guest and she is going to work for me in the future.” Kilian replied.

“Your guest? You gave her a room next to yourself. You’ve never done that. Do you really think you can give me that excuse?” He spoke again before pouring himself a glass of whiskey and took a sip of it.

Levana already knew right then that she disliked this man. Judging from the conversation between him and Kilian, this guy must be related to him somehow.

“This is my house, I can assign any room to anyone if I wish to for no reason.”

“Who do you think you are fooling? I know you my whole life, you are not someone who does things for no reason.”

Somehow, Levana could feel the tension between these two men. It made her question her judgement toward them.

They definitely had different personalities, that was for sure, but the current tension seemed to be caused by another reason. Her.

“Levana, I know you’ve met him before, but let me introduce you to him properly. This is my younger brother, Maximus Osborne.” He told her.

“Maximus, this is my guest, Levana La Rosa.” The burgundy haired man seemed to show zero interest in Levana as he continued drinking.

“Now, let’s address what happened earlier.” Kilian sat down and looked at these two.

“Levana, I’d like to formally apologize on my brother’s behalf. I’m sure you were shocked. My brother here was a little drunk and high, he must have entered the room by accident. I hope you can forgive him.”

Kilian was a man who rarely apologized in his whole life. He didn’t really have to. People were the ones who often apologized and begged him for mercy.

However, he knew when it came to women like her, he needed to do it, considering the scenario earlier.

“Why are you apologizing on his behalf, Kilian? Your brother was the one who made the mistake, he should be the one apologizing instead.” She responded as she looked at Maximus with a fierce look.

“Hah! Why should I apologize to a woman like you? I did nothing wrong! Beside, you made a big deal out of it. It was not my first time seeing a naked woman anyway. Why are you so fussy?” Maximus replied, raising his brow condescendingly.

She realized right away that this guy was a brat. She dealt with a few of these types before in her life.

However, she always preferred to avoid them before. This time though, it was different. She rose from her seat and slowly walked toward him.

“What are you doing?” Maximus asked. Levana remained silent and then in a speed of light, she raised her hand and slapped Maximus across the face.

This behavior shocked both Kilian and Maximus. None of them were expecting her to do this. Levana kept a straight face throughout this time.

She didn’t cry, nor did she have a shy or angry look on her face. She almost looked devoid of emotion.

Maximus, who just realized what was happening, was not pleased. He was becoming angry and rose from his seat.

“You bitch! How dare you slap me like that!? Are you trying to test my patience!?” He shouted.

“No one taught you any manner growing up. That’s why you’re like this. Someone needs to slap you at least once so you know what it’s like to be disrespected.” She replied calmly.

“Who the hell do you think you are!?” He was raising his hand, about to hit her but Kilian quickly rushed over to their side and grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly.

“Maximus, let it go. You were in the wrong.” Kilian’s gaze was cold and serious. Maximus knew that gaze of him very well. It sent shiver down his spine.

“Levana, go back to your room for now.” Kilian ordered. Although she was still annoyed, she knew it was for her own good. So she turned around and left.

Once she was out of sight, Kilian let go of his grip and Maximus stared at him with the same angry look from earlier.

“Why are you taking that woman’s side? She slapped me! She should be taught a lesson!” Maximus shouted once again.

“I am not taking her side, but were you seriously going to hit a woman!?” Kilian reasoned.

“She was the one who started it first!”

“That’s because you saw her naked. It’s normal for her to be embarrassed and angry about it. All you had to do was apologize, but you blamed it on her instead. If you ask me, you deserve that slap.” Maximus was baffled.

He didn’t know why his ruthless brother suddenly wanted to act like a gentleman. It pissed him off.

“Don’t let that woman get in my sight again, or I don’t know what I’m going to do with her.” Maximus warned before he turned around and left.

Kilian sighed and sat down on the sofa.

“Looks like I really couldn’t have a break.”

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