
Chapter Sixty


She tapped on her phone, texting Diana who had taken a sick leave for the day. Dian told her that she was almost as good as new now and it was just a slight headache which had already seized. Amelia advised her to rest for the day bit she refused, then a call came in, it was Xavier, and she picked it up.

“Amelia, are you alright?” he sounded… relieved. Like had had expected her not to pick up.

“Yes of course, why?”

He took in a deep breath, loud enough for her to hear.

“Nothing. Just as you’ve said, I can’t seem to go a few hours without you”

“I got the note you left on the table so I understand. Would you be coming to work today?”

“Yes. Of course”

They talked a little before she ended the call.

Why was he so worried, he had asked her if she was ‘Okay’ about three times, an she had assured him that she was fine, laughing it out.

She could have told Xavier to get some more pregnancy pills, she had used up the last one some days ago.

Xavier had decided that she use them for the
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