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I felt my heart pace speed up as I felt like my head was spinning, it felt as though what I had just witness was fake, out of a movie but it happened clear as day.

A boy turned into a beast, it couldn't be possible? That only happened in bloody twilight not in real life. It had to be staged, they were trying to mess with me, play a sick cruel joke on me just to get me scared and get a reaction.

"Maddie what you just seen it's normal alright? Well not normal for you, normal for us. Just take a minute and calm down, I will explain everything" Tom mumbled as I felt his hand on my shoulder attempting to calm me down.

Normal? What did he mean it was normal for him? Last time I looked humans were humans and that was that. There was no bloody breaking bones and turning into a werewolf all of a sudden.

I quickly jumped back out of his grasp, if that boy had just turned into that monster was he one as well? Is that what Four had been hiding from me? Was he one of these beasts as well.

"Calm do
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