
Chapter 6 - No Longer Part of The Lysander Family

Chris' words brought a sense of relief to Amora's heart. At least some affection remained in his heart for her, even if she no longer felt worthy of being by his side.

On the other hand, Cassandra's face turned bitter. "Why? Do you still want to marry that filthy woman?" she snapped.

Cassandra angrily pointed her finger at Amora, who felt cornered by her harsh words.

A long sigh escaped Chris' lips. He tried to answer calmly, "It's not like that, Mom. I don't love Bianca. How could you ask me to marry her?"

"Love can grow later," Cassandra replied curtly.

Chris' eyes widened at his mother's words. "Mom!"

Cassandra was shocked for a few seconds as Chris's voice began to rise. However, she quickly resumed her threats, "If you don't want to see me die in front of you, you'd better do as I say."

This time Chris seemed at a loss. His jaw tightened. Though he disliked his mother's arrangement, he no longer argued against it.

Chris' eyes met Amora's, who looked at him with disappointment. Unfortunately, Chris himself could not justify the mistakes his lover had made. He couldn't forgive the betrayal she had committed against him and his trust.

Kelvin Walden and his wife finally agreed to replace the bride with Bianca Lysander. Amora could do nothing to change the agreement between the two family heads, who did not consider her broken heart. Nor did they consider Chris's feelings, filled with pain over the betrayal and now having to choose to marry a woman he never loved.

Chris said nothing more. Instead of protesting in vain, he chose to leave the house without saying goodbye to anyone.

"Let him be. He'll realize later that our decision is the right one." Cassandra spoke to Charlie Lysander with conviction.

"Alright. Since you've agreed, I can only accept it," Charlie replied, sounding resigned. But inside he felt very pleased.

All Charlie Lysander cared about was preserving his family's reputation. He didn't care who married Chris Walden. At least they would still be in-laws in that family.

After reaching a mutual agreement, the Waldens left the Lysander residence. Julia and her daughter joined them to immediately adjust the wedding dress for the upcoming ceremony.

Silence once again filled the Lysander family room. Now only Charlie, Gilda, and Mario remained, watching Amora sit there like someone who had lost all hope. Amora knelt with a blank stare. Not a word escaped her lips.

Gilda was truly sorry for her granddaughter's condition. She seemed to see Patricia's reflection from decades ago in Amora. 

"Are you still not going to tell us who the man that slept with you is?"

Charlie's voice echoed around the room. He was still determined to find out who had ruined his plans.

Unfortunately, Amora remained silent. She lowered her face, and tears began to flow from her eyes again.

Charlie's face grew darker at his granddaughter's silence. He tapped his cane on the floor several times.

"You're just like your mother. Everything you do is a disgrace to this family. Had I known, I never would have brought you back into this house!" Charlie shouted with overflowing emotion.

Mario Lysander immediately turned to his father. Unable to control his anger, the old man began to cough. His breathing became labored.

Mario gently patted his father’s shoulder. "Father, calm down. Getting angry like this isn't good for your health," he coaxed, handing him a glass of water from the coffee table.

Charlie took a pill from his shirt pocket and swallowed it with the water Mario gave him. After he felt a little better, he continued, "How can I be calm? Maybe she wants to see me dead before she feels satisfied!"

Mario kept gently patting his father's shoulder, trying to soothe him. His father's health was already frail in his old age.

Mario worried about the consequences if his father continued to vent his anger. Meanwhile, his mother kept crying silently. As their son, Mario had to help resolve the problem.

"Amora, staying silent won't solve anything. At least tell us who the man is. Let Uncle talk to him and demand responsibility!" Mario said, annoyed with his niece's stubbornness.

A cynical smile appeared on Amora's face. She knew her uncle was only pretending to care to gain favor with her grandfather.

Amora thought that her uncle and aunt had always seen her as an obstacle to inheriting her grandfather's estate, and now was perhaps their best chance to destroy her.

Slowly, Amora lifted her tear-streaked face and said, "I don't know him."

Charlie's eyes widened at his granddaughter's answer. This time, his cane flew and hit Amora’s temple. Blood began to trickle from the open wound.

"Amora!" Gilda and Mario shouted in unison, shocked. 

Amora's vision blurred as blood flowed from her temple. Yet, she could still see her uncle trying to stop her grandfather from hitting her again.

Meanwhile, her grandmother wheeled herself closer, calling for the servants hysterically. Seeing her grandmother's panic, Amora felt deeply guilty.

However, Amora thought that death might be the best way out for her, rather than enduring such shame and humiliation. Gradually, her consciousness faded. But she could still hear her grandmother's cries and her grandfather's shouts.

"From today on, you are no longer part of this family, Amora!"

A faint smile formed on Amora's lips upon hearing her grandfather's final decision about her. Then, her consciousness slipped away, and everything turned very dark. 

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