
Shifter Club X

I bolted to my room and locked the door, with all the food and sweat running down my body I headed straight into the shower not bothering to take this stupid fucking see-through piece of cloth off.

I step inside the shower and once I’m in I let the flood gates open, I sit in the shower and silently cry I let out all the pent-up anger frustration and humiliation that I just injured come pouring out of me, what upsets me the most though is that the people who are meant to love me the most didn’t show an ounce of it downstairs they acted like I was some random person.

A sob comes out of my throat and I can’t help but wonder if they can hear me or if they even care, there is no way I am going back down there to fave them all again, I don’t care what punishment is headed my way I refuse to be down there to entertain them.

I cannot believe that’s Lucien Darkwood, he is the most hated and loathed wolf around and his reputation is one to make your blood run cold. Lucien Darkwood is every young woman’s nightmare he is a sick fuck who gets off on humiliating and then torturing the people he sleeps with and then pays them off to keep their mouth shut.

His is well known in the world community but he is also known to other shifters too, the way he said my parents know about everything he has planned for me just makes me sick but the way they showed zero empathy towards me before just proves to me that Lucien is right and my fate is sealed.

I don’t know how long has passed but the water in the shower ran cold ages ago and yet I’m still sitting here, then I hear the pounding on the door and i know I’m in for a punishment.

I shut the shower off pull the wet fabric off my body and throw it in the bin beside the toilet. I grab a towel and wrap it around myself to go open my bedroom door.

I twist the knob and as soon as the door is open my father comes barging in with a disgusted look on his face, he grabs me by the throat and slams me into the wall so hard that I see black dots dancing in my eyes. The growl that emanates from him has the floor vibrating, “You think that went well downstairs?” he snarls in my face, “We waited for you to return after being told to clean yourself up but you never came back downstairs did you, Carina?” He is cutting off my oxygen supply and I feel my lungs burning which is causing me to not be able to answer him it just makes him angrier, My mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water.

He finally let go and I suck in a huge lung full of air, as I’m not focused on him I don’t see the fist that comes flying towards my face the impact of it knocks me to the floor and then he lunges at me, I have just enough time to protect my face as blow upon blow rain down on me.

My body is screaming in agony and I can do nothing but take it, if I fight back the punishment is always worse which I learnt from a young age. So when he sees I am not fighting him he gets off me and sneers in my face telling me I am not to leave my room for anything. I simply nod to him and watch him walk to my door and slam it shut behind him, then i hear him lock the door from the outside.

As I lay here on my bedroom floor, I can tell my lip is split my cheek is starting to swell and my eye is hurting when I blink. I know in about half an hour it will be healed, but this is my opportunity to escape and go to Shifter Club X.

There is no way I’m staying here and letting them subject me to this bulshit and have me married off just to be someone’s baby maker. I pick myself up off the floor and make my way into my wardrobe to get dressed. I discard my towel and pick out some underwear to put on and while I’m there I grab a bag while I’m in here and stuff it full of clothes, I won’t be coming back here and I won’t be going anywhere with Lucien Darkwood.

I find a dress that I know will look amazing on, grab my heels as well and throw them all in my bag. I will get dresses just near the club, In the meantime I grab some track pants and a hoodie and chuck on a pair of runners and climb out my window. I know my parents are out or they have been ingesting wolfsbane, It is poisonous to us but taken in small amounts gives you a high, leaves you in a state of relaxation and makes everything slow down.

So I make my way down the vein-covered wall and use them as a ladder, once I’m near the ground I jump the rest of the way and take off running into the woods. I bypass all the patrols that are on the borders of our territory and sprint the whole way to the club. 


I hear the music pumping from across the street and a sort of calm washes over me like something inside is calling me home, I take off my bag that’s over my shoulder and start digging through it for my clothes.

I take out my dress and give it a little shake to get the crinkles slightly out and then grab my heels. I dress quickly and smooth out my hair as best I can without a mirror or a brush.

I stash my bag behind the tree I’m standing at and then make my way across the road. I walk straight up to the bouncer as they know me and I am instantly let in, As soon as I make my way inside I head straight to the bar and order myself a drink.

After the day I have had I need something strong something to take the edge off, but it won’t last long as my metabolism burns through the alcohol quickly so the effect doesn’t last.

While I’m waiting for my drink I scan the crowd and notice how packed it is tonight, shifters of all types here there is a group of vampires, some hybrids, bear and panther shifters and other wolf shifters. the rules here are simple everyone gets as long as it’s neutral ground. so this is the place to come and hang out and have a good time, there are even private rooms upstairs and a sectioned-off VIP area that’s only for the owners.

Rumour has it that the mafia men of The Rabidfang Nightstalkers own this club, but they are never seen and no one has ever laid eyes on them. The bartender taps me on the shoulder to let me know my drink is ready, I down it in one go and then make my way to the dance floor.

The music is like a caress over my body and I begin and I begin to sway my hips, letting all this built-up tension out and I finally feel at ease, free even.

I don’t know how long I have been dancing but I make my way back to the bar and order two more drinks, as I’m waiting for the bartender he brings me a drink I didn’t order and tells me it's from the gentleman in the VIP lounge.

I go to decline but he simply shakes his head and tells me that isn’t a wise choice. I’m so sick and tired of everyone making choices for me after the shit I went through today I want to make my own choices, so with that in mind, I take the drink and tip it on the bar with a smirk and then grab my own drinks I ordered down them one after the other and make my way back onto the dance floor.

I feel eyes on me while I make my way into the centre of the dance floor and I know with all the enhanced hearing they would have heard what just happened, but I don’t give a fuck right now I am here to forget I’m here to let off some steam and I’m here as a final goodbye to this fucked up pack of mine.

I am going rogue and leaving this place for good, I’ll go where no one will find me. The music changes and the lights go completely dark and I suddenly feel very vulnerable, Also I can just make out that pretty much everybody has scattered off the dance floor which is odd. With the heavy base of the music I feel a presence come up from behind me, As I turn to peer over my shoulder to see who it could be I feel another presence come to the front of me I'm sandwiched in and can’t move an inch, The aura of these people is so strong and powerful that it makes me want to whimper and bow my head in submission, but I force myself to not show an ounce of weakness in front of these people for all I know they could be from the Silver Back Pack, but something tells me they aren’t.

I hear a low feral growl come from somewhere in the darkness, I try and turn my head but the men who are caging me in suddenly grab me and start caressing me in a way I have never been touched before, I’m sure I hear one of the faintly growl out mine, but I can’t be sure due to the thump of the music.

If I had been able to shift I would be able to see better I would be able to hear better as well, but the feeling of being touched by these men sets my skin on fire, and not to mention they smell amazing. The man at my back brushes my hair away from my ears and whispers in my ear, “Don’t you know it’s rude to refuse a drink from us?” Upon hearing that I instantly freeze and I can feel my heart rate spike, holy shit they are from the VIP lounge I think to myself, but I reply to them anyways because ill be damned if I let them smell weakness on me.

“well I’m sick of people telling me what I can and can’t do, it’s my life and if I don’t want your drink then I shouldn’t have to have it” I know I sound like a petty child but I just don’t care at this point.

The one in front of me replies “Well don’t worry princess we will have you singing a different tune soon enough and believe me, you’ll like it” Before I can muster up a reply an even stronger aura comes at me and this time I fall to my knees and let out a small whimper, then I feel him lean down and sniff me. A satisfied purr rumbles inside his chest and for some reason, it lulls me into a deep sleep. 

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