
Twenty two


I might have said more than I intended to the person I least favored, but I'm relieved I let it out, even though I held back some things I wanted to say. Like how I wanted to tell him what a terrible person his Aunt is and how it's her loss for firing me. But I keep that to myself. Instead, I stand up, get into the car, and know what to do next. He drives me home, and by the time we arrive, it's already past five in the evening. It's surprising how most of the day has slipped away while we were out.

As we pull up to his guest house, I notice him stealing glances at the mansion where I now reside. He's probably waiting for me to get out so he can leave, but deep down, I don't want him to go.

"I can now see why you don't consider this just a guest house," he remarks with a chuckle, turning to look at me. His eyes hold nothing but sincerity, and I can't help but feel a pang of annoyance at how innocent he appears right now. Various thoughts race through my mind as I gaze at him.
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