



I frowned. How come he knows what Mia would have done? Does he really know her that much?

"When did you and Maya get so close with each other that you even know what she is going to do and what she won't do?" I asked him.

I know that I was probably being unreasonable but I just could not help myself. How can he know her so well ? Where does that place me?.

Lucas laughed. He actually laughed!

"Is it that I know her so well or is it that she just can't hide the feelings that she has for you?. She has always loved know that. But you are just denying it. You know that she won't be able to sleep knowing that you're mad at her. And what you saw didn't even try to ask what happened and find out why we were there . anyway, she's not my type. I am sure that she already told you this but I am going to tell you again. I don't like Mia like that .I already have a fiance that I am in love with. She's pregnant and we are planning on getting married.
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