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Standing at the riverside minutes later, we were both quiet as we gazed at the beauty of nature before us.

“Shall we tell the kids together when we go back to the house?” I finally broke the silence after a while.

“You don’t think it is too early?” From the little frown that pleated her forehead, it was plain to see that she was not sure if it was a good idea.

“They will have to know one way or the other, Becca, and I would rather it comes from us than from outsiders. Don’t you think so?” The twins are not mere kids one can deceive for long anyways, they are too intelligent not to pick up on the closeness between me and their mum.

“From outsiders?” She blinked owlishly and it was obvious she had not considered this.

“Newspaper, my dear Becca. The same concern I have about my Mum finding out through the blogs also applies to them, Babes. I am sure we both don’t want them coming home upset just because they heard the news from some kids who heard their parent’s gossip about M
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Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Tiffany Lovelis
I love this book I just wish it was more than 2 updated chapters at a time. I can't wait for more updates.

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