
195 Unexpected Revelation


With a soft swearing, he flipped himself on the bed with his back. “Spoilt sport.” He accused wryly.

I waited patiently and after a minute, I heard a deep sigh that signaled surrender.

“I was never against marriage if you must know yineka mou. My mother and father enjoyed a good union before his death and even though I was young, I knew they were very much in love until my father was betrayed and killed; which before you ask, will be another story for another day.” He quickly put in before I could ask for details. Smart devil!

“Okay!” I allowed calmly, knowing it’s not something I could force him on.

“As for marriage, I had always thought it’s something that would come to me at the right time and which I would gladly embrace. But well, things happened and I was unlucky to experience one of those things, which of course turned me off not just against the thought of marriage but also a relationship as a matter of fact.” I could hear the pain of memory behind the words he was not
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