
229 Parental Regrets


What exactly happened to separate them from their daughter? Looking at them now, I no longer find the amnesia story plausible. Could there be more to this?

Knowing it’s best to calm down in cases like this, I watched from under a hooded gaze as the woman tried to ascertain the situation while holding on to her husband in a grip that must be hurtful. Yet, the old man did not show any form of pain or flinch.

“Josh? What happened? What happened to our baby girl?” Anne Summer’s voice was full of fear and despair as she waited for her husband to give her the news she had hoped she would never hear in her life.

“Take a deep breath, Anne. There is nothing wrong with our daughter. At least this gentleman here assured me of that.” Josh Summer’s voice was not as firm as he wished though. Even he’s not certain of anything yet.

“You will not lie to me. Will you?” She asked her husband in trepidation, while it’s obvious a part of her thirsted for hope and assurance.

“You know the answer
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