
86 Waves of Anger


As I stood frozen by the door, listening to those sounds, I felt not just my face but the whole of my body turning red and I was not so sure if what I was feeling was anger or waves of embarrassment.

Really! I never believed a day would come that my own children would conspire with strangers against me.

Well, maybe in this case, the word stranger is not applicable but the fact still remains that this person is someone they just met not so long ago, yet looking at them now, with their heads almost together as they laughed boisterously at my expense, one would think they are the family and I am the stranger amidst them.

And the fact that I could see the undeniable similarities between them even in this pathetic situation is not helping matters.

Turning briefly to the side so I can hide my expression from them, I took a deep breath before turning slightly to peek at them again from my left eyes.

‘Holy cow, how did we get here?’ I thought with a weird feeling in my tummy, as I fin
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