
Chapter 14 Reason to Suspect

Slowly turning her head, Gwyneth saw Liam's strong jawline and the upturned corner of his mouth. Other than that, she noticed a wet stain on his shirt. The thought of her sleeping while leaning against Liam made her want to jump off the plane.

"What? Did you not sleep well? Well, I think..." When Gwyneth heard the flirtatious voice coming from beside her ear, she immediately got up to leave before Liam could finish his sentence. However, her legs were not as quick as his hands.

Liam firmly grasped Gwyneth's wrist and said, "Don't you have other strategies apart from running away?"

"Who cares as long as it's effective?!" She turned to meet his eyes and gritted her teeth. She shook her arm vigorously, trying to get away. However, with one pull from Liam, she fell to the seat due to inertia.

"You—" she was about to curse him when his handsome face approached her. "We're on a plane, Mrs. Luther. There's nowhere for you to escape."

Gwyneth blinked and looked at the man in front of her. 'To be fair, he does have good looks. But everything is ruined the second he opens his mouth.' She suppressed the pounding in her heart and slowly said, "Knowing that we are on a plane, you should know to avert unwanted attention and avoid suspicion, Mr. Luther. If people saw us like that..."

Gwyneth felt that something was off as she spoke. She became even more embarrassed when she saw how the smile on Liam's face gradually grew wider. They were the only people in the first-class cabin. Moreover, the curtains were drawn; no one could see what they were doing.

She tried to push him away, but he grabbed her once again. "We're still legally married, Ms. Glen. So I don't think people would be suspicious of us."

'Legally married, my ass.' She rolled her eyes in annoyance. 'This man sure has thick skin,' she thought.

Fortunately for her, the plane was about to land. Gwyneth got off the plane and hurriedly headed to her hotel, wanting to get rid of Liam as soon as possible. However, she was surprised when she saw the man again while waiting to check into the hotel at the front desk.

Liam was sitting in the lobby when he waved his hand at Gwyneth. "Mrs. Luther," he called out. She was dumbfounded. "Mr. Luther, I have reason to suspect that you're following me."

"I'd prefer it if you called it fate," Liam said, raising an eyebrow. Afterward, he got up from his seat and walked toward the elevator.

Gwyneth was standing at the elevator door. She glanced at her room card and watched the elevator number go up. Then, she started going on a rampage after she and Liam got out on the 12th floor.

"Wesley! Find me another hotel!" It was fine that they were in the same hotel, but Gwyneth could not stand that their rooms were on the same floor. 'I can't live like this!' She thought.

"Sorry, Boss. I'm afraid it's too late to change to another hotel. The organizers—"

"Then get me a new room that's not on this floor!"

Wesley was a little confused by Gwyneth's outburst, but he did as he was told and tried to come up with something with the hotel staff. 'Otherwise, I can't imagine the consequences.'

Gwyneth was so afraid to bump into Liam that she had her dinner delivered to her room that night. However, it did not stop him from coming to her.

Just as Gwyneth was getting ready for bed, she heard a knock on the door. Thinking it was Wesley, she opened the door without asking any questions.

Out of all the people who could have shown up, it was Liam. He looked a little laid back compared to how he looked in the day since he wore casual clothes. His hair was still a little damp, indicating that he had just showered.

While Gwyneth took in the man before her, Liam looked at her too. The woman was in loose sleepwear, which showed off her stunning neck. It looked like she had just finished washing her face since there were still a few water droplets on her face.

Liam had only recently noticed that Gwyneth hardly wore any makeup during the day if she was not working. In his view, the woman looked fresh and clean, like the morning dew.

"How do you have so much energy? Why are you still up, Mr. Luther?"

"Does someone care about me?"

'What a narcissistic psychopath,' Gwyneth thought after hearing that. She leaned against the doorway, clearly unprepared to let Liam set foot inside her room. "I'm afraid you're overthinking it, Mr. Luther. I am worried about how I will fare tomorrow if I don't get a good night's sleep."

Hearing that, Liam wanted to tease Gwyneth, but he did not want to cause her any trouble. He wanted her to do well in the competition tomorrow.

"Actually, I'm here to check up on you since you're all alone, Mrs. Luther," said Liam as he squinted his eyes and shot Gwyneth a seductive look.

Other women would have fallen for Liam's devilish yet sexy gaze, but not Gwyneth. "I'm doing just fine without you. Thank you," she rolled her eyes and said. She then turned around and slammed the door shut, nearly hitting him straight in the nose.

He stared at the closed door with a gloomy expression. 'How did I not notice how ballsy she can be?'

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