

(William Ravenstone’s POV)

Ice cracks beneath my feet.

I shiver- no, tremble under the force of the icy wind wiping through my hair and my skin like tiny daggers. My bare feet digs into the snow below, knee-deep, and I’m gasping, falling, bracing myself on bruised palms as I make contact with the unforgiving cold.

A chill zaps through my bones.

I squint up at a sun-less world, the clouds thick and angry, bearing down on the barren, ice-covered earth like harbingers of doom. For miles around me, I see nothing but white mountains, pure tundra.

I try to stagger to my feet.

I’m stuck.

No, no, no, this can’t be happening, I—

“Help!” I yell into the wind. It steals my voice. “Help me!” The fear and panic grip my heart even as the cold begins to slow down my heartbeat. “Luke! Luke, please, I’m sorry!” My voice wraps, bends, breaks in my throat.

The world around me zaps out of focus, and then everything shifts. The snow under me turns to stone. The mountains and treacherous distance disappear
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