

I once thought his eyes were the shade of polished stone; a gray more clouded than a stormy sky, and sharper than a steel dagger. But now I see his eyes are like mercury; pools of hot liquid pulling me in, and scorching my skin the longer I stay under their riveting magnetism. And I can’t seem to look away.

If I stared long enough, I’ll get to the depth of his soul. I’ll see what makes William Ravenstone the mystery he is to me; the one human puzzle I’ve only ever been interested in solving. If I stared long enough. But it’s a race to see who gets to the bottom first, for as fast as I’m falling into his eyes, the faster he’s sinking into mine.

William’s hand touches my bare exposed thigh and I’m jolted back to reality, the contact an electric current zapping through my system. My eyes widen, realizing I’m still on top of him and his face mirrors mine. A split second later, we’re scampering off each other like a fire has been lit between us.

He gets to his feet quickly and clears his t
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