

A group of Azalean officers then boarded the Reliance. They were given a quick tour on the way to the bridge to meet the Rear Admiral.

The Azalean officers marvelled the interior of the Cardonian frigate, they were noted saying that the level of sophistication albeit it's hard for them to admit, by far it has exceeded their current ships of the line.

They were then lead towards the bridge wherein the Rear Admiral, the ship Captain and the head of the diplomatic envoy, Mr. Ronhald Senta awaited them.

After a debrief on the situation on the Western continent, the Azaleans reported back to their ship, then relayed the information to the mainland.

For an hour, they've waited anxiously.

Then a small group of Azaleans once again disembarked from their airship. This time around their Captain joined the boarding party.

"Greetings everyone I'm Captain Zandre Erdal of the Svernard, Azalean Royal Navy."

"I'm Rear Admiral Jhosep Brandinco, Royal Cardonian Navy. I'm the highest ranking officer of
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