
Chapter 112: The Illegal Military Operation

"I don't know, I just can't remember a thing," Peter shook his head agonizingly and sighed, "But there's one thing I can be sure of. Laura did not want me to participate in the plan at all, and she was using me because she did not want me to be involved in anything related to the core secrets about the mermen. I suppose the answer lies on the island. I realized Laura stole my map when I woke up, including the copy was now gone. Luckily Jack managed to help me repair the data so that we could come here.

I let out a sigh of relief, and my body began to relax. I sat down and shared what happened to Gary and me recently as much as I could. Of course, I left out the parts where Dicken appeared and mainly talked about the American soldiers attacking the ship disguised as pirates.

After hearing what I said, Jolin, who had been silent for a long time, finally frowned and spoke, "If I am not wrong, this is indeed a military operation, but it is illegal."

She looked at us. Mixed emotions app
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goodnovel comment avatar
JANIEL Mongroo
I hate Linda why did she abandon dicken ? He should stop saving her she’s annoying
goodnovel comment avatar
So, is she becoming a mermaid? or is she half mermaid? hmm...
goodnovel comment avatar
Myka Pendleton
I love this book. Please stay with the multiple chapters. I get so addicted one isn’t enough! ...

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