

All the Emory’s, along with the additions - Arya, Robin, Sebas, and Bea - sit at the table. It's an unusual event, so to speak.

Aryehn ate a little and then fell asleep in Arya's arms. She didn't want to let him go for a single moment; every moment with her son was precious. Even if her arms and back hurt from the weight, it was worth every minute.

The conversation was fairly trivial until Ayden received a call that took him away from the table.

"I didn't know your return was so formal," Mark sneers with annoyance. "Look at you, all motherly... just be careful not to seem too...," he pauses, searching for the right word, "...needy for money. You know, the press can make it look like you're only here for my brother's millions."

Silence falls in the room; Arya feels offended due to her background.

Gerard Emory is about to speak when Arya interrupts him.

"Just because you've always depended on your father, even to get a spot in a hospital, doesn't mean that's my case," Arya clarifies wit
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