
Chapter 0016

Thud thud thud!

Hurried footsteps rang out, and four fierce-looking brutes charged in.

“Mr. Victor!” The four men stood straight and greeted Victor respectfully.

“Beat him up and feed him to the sharks!” Victor shouted and pointed at Kiran.

The four men looked at Kiran. He appeared to be a stereotypical rich man, just a little fairer. In fact, he was quite the pretty boy.

One of the men stepped forward with a dark expression and a cold sneer. “How dare you make Mr. Victor angry?! Die!”

Another stepped forward. “Apologize to Mr. Victor right now, and we’ll give you a quick death.”

The other two advanced as well. They clenched their fists and cracked their knuckles.

The four men were incredibly imposing, and they looked at Kiran as if he was already a dead man.

The secretary gave Kiran a disdainful look. “What an idiot.”

She sat down on Victor’s lap and leaned into his embrace.

Victor hugged her waist and patted her butt. “If Snow comes here and sits on my lap, I’ll give you the money, and you can leave with your life intact as well.”

He wanted Snow to sit on his lap?

The relaxed look on Kiran’s face vanished, and he glared at Victor fiercely.

Victor wanted Kiran’s fake wife to cheat on him?

He had a death wish!

“What’s wrong? Don’t like it?” Victor snickered.

“Mr. Victor, he must have fallen for Snow Xander as well after she slept with him. He’s probably jealous now,” the secretary said coquettishly.

“I see. Snow Xander is a b*tch too, huh?” Victor laughed.

The four security guards laughed as well.

Kiran’s expression turned as dark as a thundercloud. “You’re going to have to pay more than sixty million dollars today.”

“What did you say?” Victor sounded like he just heard a hilarious joke. “You’re about to die, and you still want money?”

Kiran extended a finger. “Yes, but that’s not all. I want one hundred million from you.”

“One hundred million? Haha! Is Xander Corporation really that poor?” Victor laughed and looked at the four security guards. “Shut his mouth.”

“Screw you! Die!” the four men shouted and swung their fists in Kiran’s direction.

Kiran did not care. Just when their fists were about to land on him, he took a step forward with his left foot. In a flash, he arrived in front of Victor and slapped him four times.

Before Victor could figure out what happened, he was already coughing up blood, and he started screaming bloody murder.

The four security guards were stunned. They looked at their fists. They had missed their target!

“Ah!” the secretary screamed. She jumped out of Victor’s lap and crawled under the table.

“You don’t want to pay one hundred million? That’s fine. I’ll just make you pay even more,” Kiran said calmly to Victor.

A cold chill crept down Victor’s spine. Just now, when Kiran opened the locked door, he could already tell that Kiran was a powerful person. That was why he had wanted to send Kiran away with one million dollars.

When that fell through, he summoned four security guards to beat Kiran up, but they were unable to hurt him in the slightest!

He paid those four security guards an annual salary of a few million! All of them could take down a dozen normal people on their own!

Kiran was a monster.

His mind raced, and he started putting on a show of begging for mercy. “Please, spare me! I’ll give you one hundred million!”

Kiran let go.

But Victor was not about to let things end this way. He gave the four security guards a look.

They immediately understood what he wanted and pretended to come forward to grab the secretary.

When they approached Kiran, they suddenly attacked him together, but they missed the cold glare in Kiran’s eyes.

They simply felt their fists land on something hard; it felt like metal. It hurt, and their fists were numb. In fact, they could hear the loud snaps of bones cracking.


The four security guards held their broken hands and rolled around in pain.

“What the…?” Victor fell on his butt and stared at Kiran as if he was seeing a ghost.

No! He felt like he was staring at a god.

Kiran was too strong!

With a smile, Kiran squatted down and patted Victor’s face. “You’re going to have to pay me two hundred million now. If you still won’t accept defeat, try coming at me again. If I beat you, you’re going to have to pay me three hundred million dollars.”

Victor wanted to cry. Kiran was just toying with him!

He had thought that he had managed to scam Kiran, but Kiran was just toying with him.

If he continued attacking Kiran, he would keep asking for more money.

He went from scamming one million dollars out of Victor to two hundred million.

“You win,” Victor cried as he begged for mercy.

“I like what you did when you signaled with your eyes for the bodyguards to attack me, by the way.” Kiran pretended to want to dig out Victor’s eyes.

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