
Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Aliza played with her fingers looking down at the floor in anxiousness as Charles walked towards her in slow tormenting steps. "I'm not a gay as you think. I'm as much attracted to you as you are to me if that is the doubt you have." Aliza looked at Charles bolted out of blue. How did he know her inner feelings? Charles ignored Aliza's facial expressions and answered the unasked question of her. "You blurted everything to me yesterday night in the intoxication."

Walking to his dressing mirror, he pulled out a cigarette from the pack and lit it. Puffing out the smoke facing the window he explains to Aliza everything about the veracity of his emotions locked up so long in his kernel. "I never abused women and sex but I had my physical desires." He cleared his throat in an unspoken guilt. "I am not a virgin." Charles declared blinking his eyes to clear the shade of dampness. He never felt so vulnerable towards any woman till date except his mother and sister. But Aliza was an exemption to his almost three decades worth long resolutions.

"I was attracted to you in the first glimpse of the interview itself.....the way you conducted were different from the usual. As the days passed I learnt more about you in our association. The self pride and strong mind, the determination you hold to stand by yourself irrespective of the circumstances entranced me immensely towards you."

He pushed out the cigarette and aloud out the cloud of smoke from the window. "I did not wish to involve you in my sexual congress and diverted my private matters to Charla for the high esteem you hold in my looks but alas. You misunderstood me as a gay." There was a twinkle in his eyes as he said the words slightly in a teasing snigger to her.

"But as luck would have its way, with the passing time I understood you were alluring to me as much as I was for you and to learn the fact I was on cloud nine." He walked to the drawer and threw a bunch of pictures of her on the bed. She was biting her nails deep in thought, some eating the tip of the pencil while staring at something on her phone. Some photos were taken when she was chewing her lip while reading something on the laptop.

"I was a secret admirer of you to mystically capture all these clips." There was a slight spread of his lips as he recollected the past period. "I reformed myself to suit you because I felt I wasn't worthy of you to be blessed as your husband." Aliza gulped an ache existing in her throat with the ooze of Charles' intense feelings for her. "Though there is always a fire of yearn, a fire to touch you I refrained my carnal intentions to celibacy." He nips the cigarette into the ashtray and turns back to Aliza ready to face the challenge.

"I kept myself away from touching you because I respected your virginity. You struggled very hard to protect your innocence from the attempts of Fredrick even when it went to cost your life. I admired the strong woman in you and wanted to consummate our relationship on the day of our marriage. But I was wrong in my opinion about you." There felt a sharp tick in his jaw with ire.

"You are as cheap as any other girl who came on that day for the interview." Words went stuck in Aliza's throat without coming out as Charles dropped his statement like a bombshell accusing her. "If you try to invoke the wrong side, you will see the beast inside of me which you wouldn't wish to know." He held her face tight between his fingers and muttered menacingly low. "What did you plan on drinking like a cow in that bar? You wanted to gain courage for asking me about my dates? Here goes your answers but at what cost Ms Aliza Stelwart?" It was just her name but when it fell out of Charles' lips so formally she was caught unaware of the disaster she had invited out of her stupidity.

"I carry a reputation as a renowned businessman in this society. I'm not some Tom, Dick and Harry that you can behave in public the way you feel like." He released her face with a jerk. "You're going to be my wife, the better half of the richest billionaire of this country. Shouldn't you think twice before you act such foolishness? Charles ran his eyes in disgust from top to toe on her and Aliza felt it was better to lose her life than gain such humiliation from the man who respected her so much till a fortnight ago.

"I keep my personal life away from my profession. You were the first exemption I allowed myself." He shook his head in misery running his hands in tight fists gazing outside the room. "I was fortunate the bartender handled you without a third eye noticing and called me directly."

Charles suddenly walks up to the bed in front of Aliza and forces her head up to look into his eyes. "Mark these words of mine forever. My empire was not built in a day. I struggled for six years to make it happen what you see today and I give no right to anyone to destroy what I hold. You do shit like this I will not think twice to manhandle you." Aliza gazed at Charles with a shock at the man about who she thought treated the woman next to God.

"You want sex, right? You wanted to know if I was a complete man. Come on, let me show you my manliness. Strip" He ordered fierce like the roar of a lion in the forest. Aliza trembled under his perilous gaze in fear. She couldn't believe her ears. Was he the same Charles Rodriguez, a seraph of every woman's fantasy, who treated every woman like a God mother?

The next minutes in the room were filled by moans and kisses, unfortunately which didn't give any pleasure to Aliza like she imagined in her dreams. Half an hour later she walked out of the room smelling dirty sex with a searing pain between her legs and trembling arms. The incident which happened to her today couldn't be imagined even in the next thousand births of her to come. "From today forward the relationship we will have will only be professional. Get out of my house." Charles snarled on her face pointing to the door.

Aliza felt someone snatched away her breath in a miniscule of a second. The thing that she wouldn't even imagine in her dream just happened and the world stopped around her.

That wasn't a mistake. It was a blunder she had committed that couldn't ever be corrected. She destroyed women not only physically but mentally too.

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