
Chapter 4

Saying those dangerous words Fredrick pounced on Aliza like a hungry lion. "Please leave" Aliza tried to push Fredrick but he was too strong for Aliza even in his drunken state. Suddenly something stuck inside her head and she raised her knee. Aliza kicked Fredrick into a place where the sun doesn't shine.

Fredrick roared in pain holding his crotch and fell to the ground cursing her. Aliza realized that it was the only moment of her escape. She ran for her life, ran to save her virginity against the philanderer. Aliza was a woman with strong moral values. She did not believe in sex before marriage and hated involvement with a sex pervert. She wanted to save her virginity to the man she marries but would such a day arise in her life a million dollars questions?

After running up to a safe distance when Aliza made a note that Fredrick wasn't following her she breathed an air of relief. It was then she realized how cold it was. Dread passed through her system. She was dressed in feeble clothes that hardly could protect her from the severe winter. She was penniless with not even a phone to contact somebody for help. Aliza looked around the place she was standing. She was not acquainted with the area.

The road was completely dark with not even a ray of light except the light of the moon shining bright in the night sky. She closed her eyes tight in trembling because of the severity of the cold. Gathering her arms around her chest she looked forward and found a small light gleaming at a distance. She sprinted towards the light clutching her arms tight around her breasts. It was a small garage that was closed.

A gray-haired man walked towards her and asked kindly. "How may I help you?" Before she could answer he looked at the trembling form of Aliza and offered her a blanket from the cot he was sleeping hitherto. "Thank you very much," Aliza told him gratefully. "Do you mind if I make a phone call from here?" She asked him beholden. "Of course young miss....." The old man spoke with generosity and handed her his mobile.

Aliza took the phone from the old man. Maybe it was God's grace on her just this morning she had fed Charla's phone number in her contacts list. Though she did not have her phone with her she remembered her number very well because it was a fancy number. Within ten minutes a Chevrolet Spark stopped in front of her and outwalked Charla in her nightwear. "What happened dear? How could you get stuck in this garage too when you do not have a car? She asked her in a surprise-filled with concern.

Aliza thanked the Gray-haired garage owner and returned his blanket. She stepped into Charla's car and recited to her the complete incident that happened an hour ago. Charla pitied Aliza for her helpless state. She received her warm chocolate milk and offered her shelter for the night. Aliza could spend the night with Charla but the thought of returning to her uncle's home haunted her every second. How severe would be Stella's outburst on her when she hears the news about her running away from Fredrick?

Aliza knew her uncle could not protect her in the matter and her aunt is a witch. Blood ran cold in her nerves as she thought about the jeopardizing situation she was in. The next morning Aliza got up at Charla's home with swollen red eyes as she could not sleep the night. The hickey Fredrick awarded her on the neck turned purplish and was too dark to be hidden by the concealer. His finger marks rested on her cheeks, throat, and everywhere on her hands.

Unless she told that someone had abused her she looked beautifully fucked just as how Fredrick wanted people to think about her. With the disdainful thought, Aliza hated her skin. She scrubbed herself repeatedly in disgust till her skin turned red. With the cold night and the abuse, she had suffered from the man whose body was burning with temperature. But could she afford a leave? She was only a probation employee at Richmond Industries.


Going to the coffee maker Aliza made a steaming cup of coffee with a smiley design on the top. Aliza learned to make several designs on chocolate milk and coffee for Andrew. When he was small Andrew was a cribbing kid and drank milk only when the delightful shapes were made. Aliza wished to make her boss happy like Andrew every day with a novel design. After all the years that she is born, if there is anything happy that went on in her life, is to secure a job in Richmond Industries and she will try her best to retain it for several more years even after her probation.

Making a knock at the door Aliza waited for the deep 'come in' to be heard. As soon as she heard the permission she stepped into the CEO's office with the coffee mug. She places the mug on the desk with its lid and waits for her boss's instruction. Charles doesn't even spare a glance at Aliza and she was glad that he did not see her designer face. "There is a green file in the bottom drawer of the bookshelf beside." He pointed to the shelf typing on his laptop. "Write a notice letter to Shaw & Co after taking the details from the file. They haven't paid us for our supplies to date." He started and suddenly looked up.

His eyes went wide for just a hairline and his gaze was pointed at her for a minuscule second. Aliza's heart missed a beat fearing the reaction from her boss. Charles stopped the work he was doing and guarded Aliza with his fingers knotted to each other. Aliza felt agitated under her boss's influencing aura. Everything he did holds poise, a grandeur that marks his power. He leaned back on his chair with his right leg resting on the knee of the other.

"Ms. Stelwart..." He spoke sophisticatedly but in command. "Once you are outside the office premises, what you do is none of my concern but being an employee of my company and my secretary I do not want my business counterparts to see you as a 'ready to be fucked' doll." Charles switches off the air-conditioning and opens the window of his room with a remote. "I know I am too blatant but I want this to be my last warning." He lights a cigarette and puffs out smoke. "Your look shouldn't affect the reputation of my company." He pointed to her rudely with his eyes. "I do not want my business colleagues to think that I hired a whore." The sight of Aliza's red face with marks settled an unfathomable anger inside Charles.

All the candidates who came for the interview were more qualified and experienced than Aliza but she was the only woman who was covered in clothes from top to toe. Charles held an unknown respect for her and that was the exact point on why he hired her though she was underage with zero experience looks could often be deceptive. And Charles realized it too late. "Next time you sleep with someone let those marks be concealed or let them be in places only your boyfriend or husband could see. Otherwise, it gives a cheap look." He stressed the word 'cheap' with disgust.

Aliza couldn't control her tears anymore. "I'm sorry sir, I will be more careful further." She replied and raced away from the CEO's room with water flowing from her eyes in rivulets but Charles cared two hoots with what he said.

Returning home Aliza had to face the worst action from her aunt. Stella rebuked her and beat her black and blue for denying her brother. Her uncle who was standing beside and watching the show had no words to say except the cut of a sorry look. Andrew who tried to oppose was pushed away by her aunt as she landed beatings one after another on Aliza.


"Thank you, Mr. Charles Rodriguez, I and my team had a warm welcome at the airport from your staff and this is the best deal we had ever done." Mr. Vangchew shook hands with Charles at Sarte, the club where the cocaine deal was made.

Suddenly they heard a yelp followed by a disturbance. Charles looked doubtful at the people around when his sight fell on a man trying to force on one of the bar dancers. Charles immediately walked to the spot. "If the girl is willing, there is nothing wrong in having an enjoyment but if she doesn't want to bed you, remember there is a protection stapled behind all the girls that are working here and that shield is me." Charles declared. "You have to cross me before you reach the girl." Charles pointed to himself.

The Chinese delegate was about to hit Charles but he stopped him in a mid-way with the obstruction of his arm. He then punched him in the belly and landed a blow on his face. The Chinese man vomited blood and fell unconscious. "Respect a woman and never dare to touch her against her will. Otherwise, she can be at your peril." He declared aloud to every man in the bar and walked out of the place.

Charles reached his office and lighted a cigarette. The bikini-clad and glitter-covered bar dancer fell on her knees near the feet of her boss. "Sir I'm indebted to you. Just because of me, an ordinary bar dancer, you have lost one hundred fifty million worth of deals. I do not know how I can return your favor." Charles helps the woman to stand on her feet. "What is your name?" He asks her in gentleness.

"Sir I am Julia. I have been working in your bar as a bar dancer for the last three years." Charles nods and signals one of the dancers assembled to bring Julia a glass of water. "I do not tolerate discourteous behavior towards women. That scoundrel misbehaved with you and he got the fruit of his actions." Julia spoke while her eyes were directed to the floor. "Sir, you lost your deal because of me." Charles patted her shoulder with a smile. "Money is not more important to me than the dignity of a woman." Julia looked at Charles with an admiration filled with surprise.

"Sir, I'm very fortunate to have been able to work in your club." All the other women assembled supported her and there was unanimous applause.

Six months later

Every day Aliza was abused by her aunt and her sickened brother Fredrick for going uncooperative with him. Aliza desperately needed an outlet but her aunt was a very powerful witch, she would drag her out to suffer more even from the threshold of hell.

With the days passing Aliza became immune to her aunt's beating until the day she announced the most fateful day of her life, her engagement with Fredrick

Aliza's engagement was fixed within ten days and as agreed earlier she was to submit her resignation to Richmond Industries. Aliza feared the black eye of her boss. She was to pay 20 million to the firm in compensation if she resigns from the job before the bond period. Working in such a reputed company with a huge salary was a dream come true for Aliza. If it was on her she wouldn't think of resigning from the job even in her bleakest period. 

Her boss Mr. Charles Rodriguez was a gentleman and very professional. Despite the backlash she faces every day in her home from her aunt, Fredrick going to work was a breath of fresh air for Aliza. For the past six months Aliza was careful or to be more apt lucky that Fredrick or Stella did not attempt to design her face or open areas of her body with their marks.


It was five in the morning. Charles heard the ring of his alarm clock and pushed away the comforter. His perfectly shaped long feet kissed the carpeted floor as he walked to the window inhaling the fresh morning air of nature. The sky was still dark but there were traces of light. The chirping of birds could be heard from the casement that had the picturesque view of his five acres of garden around his opulent bungalow.

The flowers were slowly blooming, enthralling his room with their magnificent fragrance. Looking outside Charles could see a cuckoo in one of the trees singing as though welcoming him for a new morning. Just as he was about to reach the washroom Charles could see his telephone ring.

Gazing at the caller-ID a pleasant smile adorned his features. "Good Morning Mama..." Charles greeted his mother and received a cheerful voice from the other end. "Wish you a very happy birthday my baby, may you live long with so many years of health, prosperity, and happiness." Charles chuckles and thanks his mother before he could hear some kind of shuffling in the background. Immediately his father's voice came to be heard. "Hello son, wish you a very happy birthday. Are you coming home today?" Allen asked him in eagerness.

"Thanks, dad..." Charles wondered at the sudden change in his dad's behavior. Earlier it was always his mother who asked this question to him. "Dad, I have no plans for now. I'm very busy but I will try." Charles declined his father's offer courteously after a sigh running his fingers through his thick black hair. Soon there were calls from his sister and brother wishing him a happy birthday.

Charles wasn't a very social person. He hated parties and always made plans to avoid them. During all his twenty-six years of life, he doesn't remember when he had his last birthday celebration. Oftentimes he forgot his birthdays while busy with work. His siblings and friends including other family members called him boring and a party pooper but that is what he was and he doesn't wish to change himself for the worse. Charles knew if he gave a hint to his mother she would plan a huge get-together with a lot of pomp and show.

Just as he disconnected the call of his younger brother he could see a call from one of his men popping on his phone screen. Charles contemplated looking at the caller id. His men never call him outside working hours and if they were ringing him at such an odd time, obviously the matter is understood to be serious.

"Yes Benjamin, what's the matter, you are calling me this early?" Charles immediately picked up the call on the second ring. There was a power and control in his voice which he often used against his men to keep them under check. The Mafia had stamped him cold-hearted and insensitive but that's how the system works. Though wasn't bad at heart he became ruthless, hard, and callous claiming thousands of lives. Within a leap of an eye and not a hitch in his heart, he took away the blood of thousands of people but there was always a reason behind it. He isn't inhuman like he is often marked but always had to wear the cover of a demon to conquer the deleterious and grant justice to the sinless.

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