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Kaen POV

I felt the annoying sunlight against my face, I turned around, avoiding it but then I felt something connected to my pillow and it was huge and warm and breathing? I slowly opened my eyes and came face to face with Hikaru sleeping next to me. I then realized that I was using his arm as a pillow.

"Hiki, get off you're heavy."

What the hell happened last night?..... I tried to recall as I sat up, but my brain wasn't being my friend as a painful hungover makes me groan. I could feel Hikaru stirring awake next to me.

" You alright there?" Hikaru asked. I rested my head in my hands trying to overcome the dizzy painful feeling.

" ..... No... I feel like my brain is being butchered. "

" Makes sense since we finished that whole bottle of spirits."

Hikaru says as he passes me a glass of water from the nightstand and I immediately drink it down.

" We did? What happened last night?"

I ask as I turn to look at him as Hikaru takes the cup from me. I noticed that he did
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