
A visit to the garden

Chapter 38


Waking up with beautiful memories of a magical intimate moment with the man your heart yearns for, to having aromas from different dishes wafting into my nose felt divine.

My body warmed up when I remembered the intensity of last night's kiss and then a strange feeling of nudity struck me. I quickly lifted the duvet and gasped.

Simultaneously the door opened and Gradel appeared. He was without a smile but he looked content and fulfilled.

"Good morning, pretend mate." He greeted warmly.

Still tongue-tied from the discovery, I nodded in response and glanced at my naked body. I cleared my throat after collecting myself.

"Did you... Did anything happen from last night?" I stammered, feeling slightly embarrassed.

I didn't want to believe that I was so high from the passionate kiss we shared that I couldn't remember what happened afterward. It wasn't a good tale to tell at all.

He sank onto the bed, wearing a bemused expression. "Were you expecting anything to happen?"

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