

After a night where I found it almost impossible to sleep, I caught Hunter by the hand and quickly led him down to the creek.

He blinked blearily. “You do know I guarded the Border most of the night? Than when I did finally sleep, we woke up to find out you were out. So, I’ve hardly slept. And now you drag me out at barely first light?”

I tugged him behind me while he walked on leaden feet. “Stop your complaining and walk faster.”

“Why?” He asked warily.

“Because I made you a promise.” I said laughingly.

His dark brows shot up and he straightened. Scampering more quickly behind me.

We reached the edge of the creek, and he gave me a suspicious look.

I gestured toward the water.

“That’s going to be cold as ice, you know that right?”

I smiled and nodded smugly.

He stripped off his clothes and looked from me to the water. Giving the water a disdai

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