
Making Plans

Sam stood at the window of the conference room the next morning. She held a steaming cup of coffee and a bacon and cheese sandwich. Amber sat at the table with the same, talking softly with Morgan. Alex, Hunter, and Gem sat at the other end of the table. They were waiting on Michelle, Ash, Mya, and Taylor. Sam wanted to keep Mya and Taylor out of this, or as far as she could, but she knew Mya would never agree to it. She wanted to keep everyone safe. She thought back to the call she’d received late yesterday. Simile’s voice was still clear in her head.

“I’m so sorry Sam, I’m just going to say this, but please know, I wouldn’t do it if I had no other option.”

“What’s going on, Simile?” Sam asked.

“An ex of mine, Paine, came to me tonight. She said that the letter was sent from Amber City and that you had to come and find them before they leave.”

“Do you think it was her?” Sam had gone ice cold. The last place she wanted to go was back to Amber City.

“I’m not sure it’s possible. She took someone I care about a lot. She didn’t hurt him. But he’s just a kid. So, I’m calling you, telling you.” Simile had sounded tired and scared. Scared of what? Her?

“Thank you. Can you send me everything you have on her?” Sam had rubbed a hand over her face. “I don’t care how small, just send everything.”

“I will.” There’d been a long silence. Then Simile had sighed. “I’m truly sorry, Sam.”

“Not your fault. Thanks for the call.” Sam had hung up and stared out at the stars in the night sky outside her house. And when Amber asked her who was on the phone, she’d lied.

Sam turned to the people behind her. She scanned their faces and met Hunter’s eyes. She stood and walked to Sam. Sam turned her back to the room again and Hunter joined her at the window.

“What is it?” Hunter took a sip of her coffee and bumped Sam’s shoulder with hers. “I can see something is eating at you. So, spill it.”

Sam snuck a look over her shoulder and, satisfied that Amber was still busy with Morgan, looked at Hunter. “I got a call from our new friends in Amber City. Apparently, the letter we got was from there and the culprit will be leaving soon. But the thing is, I think the woman that told Simile about it is the one who sent it.”

“That’s great news. Why do you look so down then?” Hunter asked. Her voice was low too.

“Because if I’m right, then it’s a trap.” Sam rubbed a hand over her face. “I can’t let Mya go there and if I say I’m going there, she’s going to want to go too.”

“Then let me go. I’ll take Gem, and we’ll ask Michelle and Ash to join us.” Hunter looked over her shoulder as Michelle and Ash walked in. “I’ll talk to them now before Mya comes, and when the meeting is over, we’ll leave.”

“She’ll see right through that.”

“Maybe, but give her something to take her mind off that. Let her think about finding Ava and tracking the Ruffian.” Hunter touched Sam’s shoulder. “We’ll take care of her.”

“Thank you, Hunter,” Sam said and laid a hand on her shoulder too. “Just be careful. I’ll send you everything Simile sent me to this Paine woman.”

“Paine? Well, that’s either a massive coincidence or she’s our girl.”

“Precisely.” Sam watched as Hunter took Michelle aside and they spoke quietly. Michelle looked her way and nodded. Sam nodded back and then turned her head in Amber’s direction. She met the cool blue eyes and tried a smile. Amber shook her head and walked over to her. “I’ll explain later. I promise.”

“You better, I don’t like secrets between us.” Amber touched Sam’s cheek to lighten the blow of her words. “You don’t have to carry any burdens alone.”

“I know.” Sam leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Let’s get this thing started.” Mya and Taylor walked in and, after grabbing coffee, took seats at the table. “Right, Alex, time to spill on how you know where Ava is, and why you didn’t tell us.” Sam walked with Amber to the table and sat down next to her. All eyes turned to Alex.

“So, two weeks ago I was on a mission to find an herb. I got word from one of my contacts that there was this new market where you can buy all sorts of herbs. They only give the location two hours before the market goes up. That way, only true herbalists have the location. Or that’s the word on it.” Alex waved a hand dismissively. “Anyway, he promised to give me the location if he could get it. He did. And I went.” She smiled. “It was amazing! The stalls were neatly set up, two or three people maned the stalls. Never just one. And they had everything! Things that I only thought were myths.” She smiled. “Anyway. After I checked out everything, I stopped at a tent. I figured, beer.” She shrugged. “It was a beer tent. Live music played and people were having the time of their lives. I walked up to the bar and got this. The barman told me to leave.” She shook her head. “Red flag for me. But he said, sorry, the tent was only for the merchants and that he was not allowed to sell to buyers. He said he didn’t even know how I got in, since the door should have been guarded. Another red flag.” Alex said. “I got curious.” She shrugged. “I left but waited on the outskirts of the clearing. I almost got caught twice. When they started packing up, two men walked the perimeter. Then when they were all done, another two made another circuit before they packed their cars and drove off.”

“If they drove off, how did you find them?” Morgan asked. “Or do you think we can get to them at the next market?”

“I hitched a ride in one of the trailers,” Alex said. “They didn’t drive far, but then the most bizarre thing happened. I was looking out to see where I was, and it was like I was drowning for a second. We drove through a thick wall of water. Once we got on the other side, I dropped some of the fruit from the trailer I was in so I could find my way back to the wall.” She grinned.

“Are you seriously telling us that you used Hansel and Gretel’s movie?” Amber asked, but smiled despite herself.

“Well, it must have worked, she got back,” Mya said.

“I actually got stuck there for three days,” Alex admitted. “Couldn’t find the door. I found the wall, but not the door. Then finally I did. Anyway, we drove through and I’m telling you, Riana’s world has nothing on this place. It was green hills, tall trees, blue, blue water. Everyone had this little house with the perfect garden, and they all seemed extremely happy. The children ran around with dogs and there were other creatures. But they all seemed in harmony.” She laughed. “The woman that helped me…”

“You stayed with a woman for three days?” Morgan asked, cold steel in her tone.

“She was kind enough to help me, yes. And she was like three hundred or something. So don’t even start that with me.” Alex took Morgan’s hand and kissed it. “Anyway, she said that Ava was their queen and she kept them safe. Her wife, Gina, was the head of the guard, but they never had trouble and Ava was the gentlest and kind woman.” She shrugged again. “Not everyone knows where the door is, so she couldn’t help me with that. And if she was found out she’d be in trouble.” Alex frowned. “The way she said trouble, didn’t even sound like she was worried about that.”

“So, Ava has gone soft?” Sam snorted. “Too good to be true.”

“We haven’t had trouble since they disappeared with half of the city. And if what Alex says is true, and I believe her, then we at least have a chance of convincing her to help us.” Amber said.

“Baby, we drove her out of town, we hunted her.”

“It was a different time. We had a reason,” Mya said. “I want to give this a shot.”

“Look, I don’t know if I can find the door again. But there is a market again tomorrow afternoon. If we could get there and follow them, we’d get in.”

“No,” Sam said. “We’re not sneaking in there. She’d see it as an attack. We’ll go to the barman. Someone in that tent has a line to Ava or Gina.” She nodded. “We’ll ask for a chance to talk, we’ll show her some respect.”

“Sam’s right,” Gem said. “If we show her some grace, she may be more inclined to help us. Show up unexpectedly and she may see it as an attack.”

“Okay, that’s settled. Get us the location of the market. Mya, you, and Taylor will go with Alex and Morgan and set up a meeting. Just a meet. Then come home.”

“What if they want to see us right then?” Taylor asked.

“Then you tell them that we had a prior engagement…”

“We can’t miss this opportunity,” Mya interrupted. “I think, if we have to, we should meet with her. We can handle it.”

“Fine, but only if they insist. Otherwise, neutral ground with me and Amber present.”

“Are you guys going home?” Mya asked Hunter.

“No, we have some errands in Amber City. Michelle and Ash will join us, and we’ll be back as soon as we can.” Hunter smiled and nodded to Sam.

“What errands?” Mya asked, a frown on her face.

“Just some personal stuff. I don’t have to explain myself to you. We’re here to help you, but we have lives too.” Hunter stood. “I’ll be in touch. We’ll leave in the next hour or so.” She walked to Taylor and placed a hand on her shoulder, then she met Mya’s eyes. “I’m truly sorry for your loss.” Gem, Ash, and Michelle followed her out.

“Okay, so we have a plan,” Morgan said. “Let’s make sure we don’t step on Ava’s sensitive toes and get this bloody Ruffian captured.”

Amber walked hand in hand with Sam along the lake. “Are you going to tell me what Hunter’s business is in the city?”

“Simile called me yesterday. She had a lead on our mystery woman.”

“Then why are we not all on the way there?” Amber snapped. She dragged Sam to a stop and spun Sam to face her.

“Because the way the message came through could be a trap. And Mya would never agree to stay behind.” She rubbed her free hand over her face. “I know I’d have been halfway there already if it was me. And she’s not thinking clearly, so I need her far from there.”

Amber’s eyes softened and she smiled. “You’ve come a long way, do you know that?” Amber leaned over and kissed Sam on the mouth. “Not so long ago you’d have been halfway there and screw the consequences.”

“Yes, well, I wanted to. I wanted to just disappear last night and chase the lead myself.”

“But you didn’t,” Amber said and started walking again. “You delegated. If there’s anything there, they’ll find it.” She sighed. “And if not, we have it covered from our side. And Mya stays away from another trap.” She bumped shoulders with Sam. “You hate that we’re going to Ava and not Amber City.”

“I do. I hate it so much!” Sam laughed. “But I also see the logic in keeping Mya safe now. This woman is crazy, and she’s fixated on Mya, for no reason, it seems, but to have fun.”

“She sounds very unstable, yes. But she’s not crazy. I think she has a plan, and she’s executing it. If I read the Ruffian history correctly, they’re methodical, and when they find a target, they don’t stop until they get what they want.”

“She’s not getting to Mya!” Sam said vehemently. “She’s taken enough from her already.”

“I agree.” Amber stopped again and looked out over the lake. “But we can’t keep her from this fight.”

“No,” Sam said. “But I can do everything in my power to make sure she doesn’t lose anything else.” Sam pulled Amber into her arms and held her as they watched the children playing and swimming in the lake. 

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