
Chapter 15

  Seeing Hector Wei dressed well, Hans Lin cautiously said, \"May I ask who her husband is...\"

  Hector Wei glanced at him obliquely, \"No, you may not.\"

  Hector led Anna to the elevator.

  Behind them, Hans Lin and Shiela Tang were still in shock.

  Did she really find a rich and powerful man?

  A few minutes later, Shiela Tang looked at the search results on the phone and paled. \"She actually married...\"

  The black Maybach stopped by the boulevard at the back entrance of the hospital.

  The moment Hector opened the door, Anna Qin saw Louie, dressed in a black handmade suit, again with a very cold expression on his face.

  She didn\'t know how to explain her little trip to the hospital.

  By this time, she was aware of what kind of family she had managed to entangle herself with. She had also realized that Louie Chu wasn’t someone she could afford to piss off.

  Hoping to avoid him, Anna Qin tried to sit up front.

  \"Sit here!\" There was a cold command from the back seat, and she promptly complied.

  Her right hand tensely grasping the door of the car, she sat in silence as Louie watched something on his laptop. It was CCTV footage of Anna Qin\'s actions. He sneered as he watched her escaping from the mansion.

  The car ran smoothly.

  Louie Chu stared at the computer all the way, tapping the keyboard with his slender fingertips, as if he was working, and ignored Anna Qin.

  Anna Qin sat quietly, holding her breath. She tried to sit as still as possible, as though this was somehow going make him forget that she was sitting beside him.

  After a while, seeing that Louie didn\'t intend to berate her, she gradually relaxed.

  She looked sideways at the scenery outside the window, and at the same time wondered which hospital her adoptive parents had transferred her Grandma to.

  Haicheng is a very large city, with many hospitals, but there were no more than ten hospitals that have facilities for treating her grandmother.

  A low, unpleasant voice suddenly spoke beside her. \"I asked you to wait in the house, why did you come to the hospital?\"

  Anna Qin suddenly felt cold all over.

  She slowly turned her head to face him.

  Louie has lifted his gaze from the notebook and was looking at her coldly, waiting for her to give a reasonable explanation.

  Anna Qin knew that to this man, no clever comeback would help.

  She simply told the truth. \"I received a threatening call from my foster mother, asking me to give her money, or she would interrupt my Grandma\'s treatment. Because I was worried about my Grandma, I rushed to the hospital.’’

  Louie raised his eyebrows slightly and didn\'t speak.

  Anna Qin knew that he didn\'t believe her, and his eyes darkened, \"I never thought that they would give me medicine, send me to the Chu family\'s house, and even threaten my grandma\'s safety.\" Anna Qin clenched her lower lip.

  Louie Chu was skeptical.

  He had read Anna Qin\'s information and knew her situation at the adoptive parents\' house.

  But can you believe what this woman said?

  Louie snorted lightly, \"You want to tell me that you\'ve come to our house unknowingly? That you married me against your will, and you’re being blackmailed?\"

  \"Do you think I’m living miserably on purpose?\"

  Anna Qin asked back, but was met with Louie\'s noncommittal look.

  She couldn\'t help but be disappointed.

  Anyway, this was her own business, what\'s the use of telling him? Was it even possible for this man to understand her situation?

  Anna Qin pressed her lips and stopped talking.

  Seeing her silence, Louie felt a little irritable. With a click, he closed the notebook on his lap.

  He said coldly. \"Listen, I don\'t care how you entered the Chu family\'s house. Since you agreed to stay, you must cooperate! As long as you’re with me, your words and deeds must be in line with the identity of Mrs. Louie Chu!\"

  Perceiving the warning in his words, Anna Qin frowned slightly, \"I\'ll cooperate, but—\"

  She raised her face and looked at him, her eyes firm, \"If my grandma’s health—her life is on the line, I can never sit back and watch.\"

  When the voice fell, the air pressure in the carriage was instantly low to the extreme.

  Louie’s face was gloomy, and his cold eyes fixed on her face.

  Hector, who was driving, suddenly felt a burst of chill blowing from his back, and suddenly felt ominous.

  Louie was very angry. His aura was too strong. It was difficult to breathe around him sometimes.

  Anna Qin knew that she was pushing it, but she couldn\'t hold back.

  The only person she cared about at this point was her grandmother.

  She bit her scalp and said. \"Grandma is my only family. I love her very much, just like you love your grandmother. If something happens to the old lady, you\'ll definitely be worried!\"

  When her voice fell, Louie\'s expression became even colder.

  Just when Anna Qin thought she would be thrown out of the car by this angry man, he suddenly seemed to calm down. It was as if she had just imagined that he had gotten angry.

  He spoke in a calm, unemotional monotone. \"Then it is decided. From now on, I\'ll deal with the urgent matters related to your grandma.\"

  Anna Qin was stunned.

  Anna Qin said softly, \"Thank you.\"

  Louie Chu glanced at her, and the look on his face seemed almost jolly. \"Isn’t it stupid or just naïve, to expose one\'s weakness to the enemy?\"

  She looked at him. She didn\'t understand what he was saying.

  \"You just exposed your weakness to me. Your grandma.\"

  Anna Qin\'s face turned pale.

  Thinking of what she had just said, a chill went down her spine. In hindsight, she was sorry she’d told him.

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