
Halloween Special Chapter 3 - Forrest

This theme was my idea, so it was on me to make sure we pulled it off. I furrowed my brow, concentrating on getting Aiko’s hair just right. “Almost done, baby girl,” I assured her, getting the last pin in place. 

“Perfection! You are done, Princess Leia of the Rebel Alliance,” I grinned proudly at myself for getting her hair up. “Yay!” Aiko jumped up, spinning to give me a hug before rushing to cash her sister and older brother. “

You three just remember once mommy, daddy, and Bampás come down, we are going to take pictures to send to your grandparents and great grandparents, and then we will go trick or treating,” I called out as Ryū started to fuss.

I sighed, gently lifting him from his bassinet he’d been snoozing in. “Otōsan is here. I’ve got you, little man,” I cooed softly, bouncing him as I walked to the kitchen. 

He didn’t give a shit about a word I said. But really, what hungry three-week-old does? “I’ve got ya. I’m pretty sure there are bottles already warmed for you,” I assured my grumpy tyrant overlord.

I should just count myself lucky there is only one of him. Saki and Aiko had been hell to deal with if I was solo. Thinking of my trouble makers, it’s too quiet. 

“Saki Artemis, Aiko Lilith!” I called out as I balanced Ryū in one arm, getting a bottle from the warmer with the other.

I heard a crash and winced as my troublesome Princesses skidded into the kitchen. “Yes, Otōsan?” they asked all innocently. I narrowed my eyes at them. 

Ryū was silent as he happily made a glutton of himself on his bottle. “What did you two do?” I questioned. “Nothing,” they blinked, giving me bright smiles. 

Oh, I love these girls. They are probably mine, given the trouble they get up to. “You two know that I have a built-in lie detector. So tell me the truth, and we can handle it,” I sighed. 

I got my answer before they could speak as Hikari came in crying, holding his broken lightsaber. “Otōsan! They broke my lightsaber,” he pouted. He’s a sensitive kid, totally Elijah’s. I sighed. 

“Girls, that wasn’t nice,” I scolded. “He wouldn’t share,” they pouted in unison. “Leia gets guns, and Luke gets the lightsaber,” Hikari pointed out, getting some of the words wrong, but it made him all the cuter. 

“Your brother is right. The lightsaber is part of his costume, like your guns are part of yours. It’s a good thing I bought extra,” I sighed, heading to the hall closet. I used my chin to hold the bottle for Ryū, so I had a free hand to open the closet. Hikari and the girls were right behind me, watching me curiously. 

“Need a hand, little brother?” Elijah chuckled, coming around the corner fixing the belt to his Anakin costume. “The girls broke Hikari’s lightsaber wanting to play with it. I got extra in the closet,” I explained.

“I got them. Finish feed Ryū. I need to get mine anyways,” Elijah nodded, taking over rummaging through the closet for lightsabers. “You got a lot of them,” Elijah commented, giving Hikari a replacement.

“Yeah, cause I knew this would happen. There should be two in there that, if you turn the lightsabers on, light up purple. Give them to the girls so they’ll leave Hikari and you alone,” I said, grabbing a burp cloth.

The girls squealed in delight as Elijah handed them their own lightsabers. “Leia doesn’t get one,” Hikari pouted. “Don’t be such a purist. Leia was a Skywalker too, so she has the force,” I rolled my eyes, shifting Ryū to burp him. 

Hikari pouted, not happy that he didn’t have the only kid lightsaber. “Remember, this keeps them from breaking yours again,” Elijah smiled, scooping Hikari up and kissing his cheeks. 

Looking at them side by side like this, you can see that even in his delicate, childlike features, Hikari will look like us but with Riko’s dark hair and eyes. I pity the girls when he starts school. Scratch that I pity Hikari when he starts school and all the girls chasing after him

. The girls favor Riko the most, and I’m terrified for them to get older and grow into those looks. I might not go as far as Ryōta did, but I will do what I can to keep boys away from them.

“Is everyone ready?” Riko’s voice pulled me out of my worries about the future. I turned my head, and damn, my heart started to beat out of my chest, and I felt my breath lock up in my lungs. 

This woman is hands down the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen. She’d chosen to dress up like Padme from Clone Wars in the golden with pink flower embroidered off-shoulder gown and the half updo style.

“Mommy is so pretty,” The girls gushed in hushed voices as they looked at their mother star stuck. “Indeed,” I managed to speak. “I am not,” Riko blushed and rolled her eyes. I shifted Ryū in my arms and walked over to the bottom of the stairs. 

“You are always the most gorgeous woman in any room,” I smiled, leaning down kissing her. I love this woman. I want to do more than kiss this woman. 

Ryū let out an indignant cry making us both aware he was between us. “Oh, my poor baby. Did mommy and Otōsan squish you? I’m sorry, my darling,” Riko cooed, taking him from me. “I can’t wait till he’s eight weeks old,” I sighed. 

Riko arched an eyebrow. I leaned close to whisper in her ear. “The weekend he’s eight weeks old, our parents can take the kids, and the four of us are going have some grown-up fun,” I whispered, kissing her ear lobe. 

When I pulled back, I smirked, seeing her blushing. “F...Forrest,” she tried to sound indigent, but honestly, she sounded needy. And if she wasn’t still in the recovery period, I’d give her exactly what she needs. I winked and took the empty bottle to the kitchen, washing it and then putting it in the sanitizer.

“Alright, everyone onto the porch for pictures!” Darius called out.


I hope you are enjoying this holiday peek into the Frost family's life.

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Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
JC 7
you don't reward bad behavior by giving in and giving them the lightsabers that they wanted. That's bratty and they should be disciplined not coddled.

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