
54. Don't go

Violette POV

I didn’t want to be touched. Or talked to. Or be around a single person. I just wanted to be left alone, but no one would. I was having a hard time grasping the fact that my throat had been slit by one of my Fathers men. I just couldn’t stop repeating that night in my mind.

It felt like a terrifying nightmare that I absolutely could not wake up from. It was killing me.. I just couldn’t figure out how I could possibly be okay again after this.

“King Arthur sends his regards.” Is the last thing I heard before he sliced the knife across my throat. You’d think with a collar on, there’d be no room.. I guess that’s what I get for having a long neck.

I used the be told that having a long neck was attractive. Many of my maids from home would say I had a beautiful neck.. that it’s a sign of great beauty.. but I only see it as a curse anymore.

“Please, Violette. You need to bathe.” Viktor said softly. I didn’t see why he cared. My view of the world has taken a drastic turn.. an
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