
43. Oscar was high

Dion and I had been secretly meeting for sex for almost a month. He had been coming to my place for dinner, sometimes after for the obvious reason of sex. He would sleep over at mine more times than not. We'd been having a lot of sexy times and I was exploring myself more and more. The man sure knows how to work my body and I've been spread on almost every surface of my apartment. 

"Are you sleeping over tonight?" 

"Hmm-mm..." he nuzzled my face while our body was still sticky from our cums. "Yeah, sure, I swing by my place before work tomorrow. Why? you still want my dick for your late-night snack Mr. Davenport?" Every time I asked and every time he asked back with more or less the same thing. He trailed his kisses down to suck on my nipple and I was whimpering again in no time. 

"I'm spent. I don't think I can..."

"Sssh... let me do the work," his hand was on my hip, caressing my waist before cupping my ass cheek, squeezing, getting me to

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