
64. Ghazi Confessed

"Ghazi is everything okay?" Remy greeted me at the door.

I already texted him that I was on my way back, I didn't want him to worry about me. And seeing Remy, I just know that I couldn't keep the facts about Oscar from him.

"No. I need to talk to you about something."

"You want a drink?" My sweet Remy was so nervous that he felt obligated to tend to my needs.

"Why don't you sit down, I'll get us something to drink." I kissed his forehead and he nodded, taking a seat on the living room sofa. His hands were on his lap as he sat straight, his eyes never leave me. He was watching me as if he was trying to read my thoughts.

I put coke in his rum, after adding some lime juice and ice cubes. I knew I needed something strong for the conversation as I drank one shot straight before making another glass of rum and coke for myself. Bringing the two glasses, I gave one to Remy before sitting by his side and slowly drinking from my glass.

"I met with Zal

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