
Chapter 71 The Engagement Was Broken

Although Song Yixiao didn’t know her mother’s plan, she was an unmarried girl and couldn’t do whatever she wanted to do. She had to be obedient after Wei Mengying claimed her attitude.

Then she thought, “I should find an opportunity to see Xue’e and let her send a message to Sister Muting!”

If there was no reply after Yuan Xue’e sending the message, “When I get on well with Sikong Yiluo and Xie Yiren, I can ask them to help me.”

But all her plans failed. No matter who she sent or what excuses she made, Jiang Muting’s maid always replied, “My young lady is so weak recently that she can’t see guests or think too much! Her parents worry about her. For my young lady’s health, they don’t let anyone bother her before she feels better. Well...”

All people sent by Song Yixiao were refused by Jiang Muting.

But Song Yixiao didn’t give up and thought of Wei Yinlian who had been Jiang Muting’s friend since she was a kid. How could

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