
Chapter 57

here with my mouth wide open, awestruck by what Eve had done, my heart swelling with love for her. The room was pained in a light blue, white clouds also painted and a sun on one wall. The carpet was a dark shade of blue, white rugs lining where the two cribs were side by side. 

toys, clothes and nappies were neatly put away into drawers and their was two changing stations ready for when the babies arrived. I couldn't believe that she had done all of this in the space of two days. 

i walked towards a chest of drawers, running my hands over the stuffed animals and soft toys, my mind going to what my children would be like. How they would act and what personalities they would have, who would my children become? 

What movies would they enjoy? 

what would their favourite colours be?

I couldn't help but wonder if they would be similar or completely different, would they share a bond w

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