
Chapter Sixty


It was midnight, and I couldn't sleep. Andrew was supposed to come to my room tonight for us to talk. The two times we had sex, I could swear on my most valuable jewelry that it was a mistake. Now it was kind of weird that recently I'd not been able to sleep without him. A knock sounded at my door making me jerk.

"Who is it?"

"It's me." Arthur's voice rang through the other side of the door. My heart dropped to my stomach.

"Um... Come in." Arthur entered the room and smiled at me. What was happening?

"Hi. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing fine, you?"

"Great, great. I just wanted to see how you were doing."

"You saw me today, Arthur. Is there a problem?" My voice was trembling and I was trying to hide it. I was doing a bad job.

"I know, I just wanted to apologize for... Recently I've been a little bit intense."

"It's okay, everything has been intense, with Elsa and the Conbraids and the rogues and all."

"Well... I'm glad you understand. You usually don't, so I'm glad you und
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