

Kyra's Pov

I returned to see how the wounded man from the field was coping. He seemed to have lost so much blood while he laid on the bed looking so stressed.

At first he was asleep ,but while I stood for sometime , his eyes opened.

" How are you doing ?", I asked.

" I'm so weak right now, but I'm grateful that I am alive ", he replied.

He thanked me for sparing his life and bringing him over to the medicine camp.

" It's fine , I wanted to be sure of what had happened , seeing you there lying so unconscious, we thought we should help you out immediately", I said.

That noise had made me so concern, I knew something wasn't right as soon as I heard it. I could recall that the day my parents were murdered, that it was almost the same noise I heard.

" Please can I ask you for a favour?", he said.

I Wondered what that could have been , I barely knew this man. We only saved him because we wanted to know what had happened and now he was asking for favours. I thought of not granting him any
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