
Chapter 71

Antra's POV

He smiled a bit and turned around and went back to eat the breakfast.

" Idiot!! "

" I heard that... but don't mind it. You can call me anything with love. It is much better than Mr Goyal. The Parantha is awesome. Come, have it with me. " He caught my hand and took me with him.

Well, I didn't argue as he was hungry and so was I.

So we had the breakfast quietly though he kept smiling.

What was so funny??

Just then my phone started ringing and I saw that it was Dheer.

Why was he calling now? I told him that I didn't want to talk to him for some time.

And as the phone was lying on the table, he also saw that. The smile vanished from his face and he frowned.

" What is his problem now?? Why is he calling? " He asked with s frowned face.

" I don't know. " I shrugged.

" Don't pick up the call. Ignore him. " He said. Anyway, I was going to do exactly that so shrugged and kept eating my breakfast.

But he kept calling again and again.

" Ughh!!! You both are irritating." I said.

" Igno
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