
Chapter 9

Mahima's POV

" Hello?? Yeah, I am in the coffee house which is right in front of the bookshop. " I said and disconnected the call and all of a sudden, I collided with someone, and I heard many shrill screams.

" What the hell? Can't you see? See what have you done? Is that how you serve food to your customers? Call your manager, I will get you fired immediately. " The girls were yelling at the waiter.

I saw that the cold coffee they had ordered was spilt on them. Two of the girls got a few drops of coffee on them.

" Ma'am, please don't get furious, it was not my fault, someone bumped into me. I tried to save the coffee but some of it got spilt. Please don't complain against me, I will lose my job, I really need it, desperately. Sorry ma'am, sir... Please! " Waiter said sheepishly.

" No, you spoilt my dress, do you even know how much it cost?? " The girl yelled.

" Sorry, ma'am! " The waiter was so scared.

" It's worth is almost two months of your salary. You need to be punished. " She said.

I didn't want to be a part of it as Dhruv was sitting there but at the same time, could not keep listening to those girls shouting at someone while it was my mistake.

" Hi, I am really sorry, but this guy is not at fault, I was coming to this side talking to someone and collided with him. It's not his fault, please don't get him fired. I apologise on his behalf. " I said to the women and could feel two dark eyes burning holes in my skin. I looked at him and saw that he was glaring at me.

" Is it? Then you bear the cost of the dress. " She said.

" Oh, come on only a few drops of coffee have been spilt on your dress. That can be cleaned very easily if you rinse it immediately, so go and clean it, instead of shouting at people. " I suggested.

" Don't teach me, how to clean, you spoilt the dress, now you will pay for the dresses of both of us. " The girls said.

" No way... It was an accident and I have apologised. I am not going to pay for your stupid dress. " I said firmly.

" Stupid dress? This dress costs a fortune... Pay for it. You ruined it. " She shouted.

" Have you ever heard about dry cleaning?? " I asked.

Drycleaning? " The girl asked like a dumb one.

" Oh, I thought so... It is a technique used to remove stains and clean, delicate and expensive clothes. Get them dry cleaned, here this should cover both the dresses. " I took out a note of Rs 500 and gave it to her.

" How dare you? " She threw that note back at me. I picked it up and placed it on the table.

" Well, I am quite daring... Don't shout at me, or will definitely throw the rest of the coffee on your head. Then your pathetic dress would definitely be ruined. Don't expect me to pay for them." I said.

" What the hell do you know about fashion? You are so pathetically dressed up. I pity the man in your life. " She said and I looked at the man in my life. He was sitting right there listening to the conversation and glaring at me. I smiled at that.

The man in my life didn't even have the guts to accept it publically that I was in his life.

" Listen, I have had enough of it, I am here to relax, and enjoy with my friend, so let me enjoy and you enjoy your date as well," I suggested.

" Let you enjoy after you spoilt my day? No way!! " She yelled at me.

" See, if you want to create a scene, so I have no problem, but I don't think, your date would appreciate it. Ask him! So don't spoil my day and your date. " I said and just then I saw that another waiter placed my order on my table. I wanted to come to my seat.

"Look at the amount of food she has ordered. " The other girl said.

" Pathetic, look at her height and weight. Doesn't even look like a woman. "

" What else will happen, if she eats so much. I pity the man who marries her. " One of them said and the other one laughed.

" Instead of eating all that you should eat salads. It will do you some good. Then maybe someday, you get a decent looking man who can dare to propose to you. " one of them said.

"And I think, instead of wasting your life batting your eyelashes at men, you should start gaining some knowledge, maybe after a few years, you will be able to do something good for yourself. " I said.

" What do you think of yourself?? " She asked.

" I am an intelligent woman who can talk about other important things around us than just clothes, shoes and makeup like brainless bimbos. And I have empathy for people, another word, you must not have heard of. " I said.

One of the girls got offended and slapped me. Though it was not a hard slap I could not take an insult like this. I looked at my so-called husband and he was standing there without any expression.

I got more annoyed at his behaviour than the girl's. What happened to the vow, he had taken that he would take care of me.

I gave a very tight slap to the girl that she fell on my husband due to impact.

Another girl launched at me and when I tried to push her to stop her, my husband finally spoke.

" Hey!! Hold on! " He shouted at me.

" Why should I, why don't you tell your pretty but dumb companions to hold on. " I shouted back.

"Because you are being rude to them. " He said.

" Of course!! And your friends have been the epitome of politeness. Isn't it? " I said sarcastically.

" Shut up! And apologise! " He ordered me.

As if he was my master and I was his bonded slave.

" Me?? No way! If anyone will apologise here today, it will be your friends." I said with determination.

" I said, apologise to them or... "

" Or... what brother? " I heard Dheer's voice and turned to see him standing right behind me.

" Stay out of this, Dheer. This doesn't concern you. " Dhruv said.

" If my best friend is involved in it, then it is a matter of my concern. I saw what happened... It's just that I had full confidence in her that she can handle the situation well. I also wanted to see how would you react... I must say, you are pathetic. " Dheer said.

" Dheer!! " Dhruv shouted.

" Shut up! Don't raise your voice on us. You should have objected when they were misbehaving. I would have come earlier if you were not there. I expected at least one sentence to stop those stupid girls but you didn't even utter a word. You are insensitive... " Dheer said.

" Dhruv, he is your brother, right? Then why is he supporting her and arguing with you. " his friend asked.

" Because he should have supported her instead of me. " Dheer said glaring at him.

" What does that mean? Do you know her, Dhruv? " His friend asked.

" Tell them... Or shall I, since you have not introduced her to your friends. " Dheer asked him.

" Dheer, let's go from here... Enough of it. I don't want his support or introduction... not now, not ever. " I said to him and tried to pull him away but he was very strong even for a girl of my size.

" Wait!! You may not need it but he needs to know that you saved him and his family's life, business and the goodwill of our family. He should know that even if he can't appreciate your positive points, he must not disrespect you. It was his duty to fight for your respect but he kept mum at all the insults they threw at you. " Dheer said in a higher voice.

" I told you, I don't need his support. I am strong enough to take care of myself and it doesn't hurt me anymore if someone is passing such comments about my appearance. " I said.

" Apologise to her, Dhruv! " Dheer said.

" Are you out of your mind? Never! " Dhruv said.

" Never say never... Apologise

or I will show the video I shot just now to our dad... I don't think I need to tell you what will happen after that... " Dheer said.

" What the hell is happening? Who is this girl, and why is your brother fighting with you for her? Is she your brother's girlfriend? " One of the girls asked but none of us answered that question.

" Why don't you tell them, brother, why am I supporting her? " Dheer smirked at Dhruv.

" I must say, your brother has a bad choice in girls. I pity him for choosing her, for he is as good looking and dashing as you are." The girl said looking at Dheer.

" Yes, you should pity me, because this wonderful woman didn't choose me to be her life partner. She chose my brother. " Dheer said and all of them were shocked.

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