
Chapter 3523

They had all donned the Flaming Dragon Armor, and over a thousand sets of the orange-yellow armor that, even in the dim light, shone with an unparalleled brilliance, flickering with the unique luster of metal.

Upon seeing these armors, Eden, Golden Snake, and Herald were filled with immense joy. This was a product of their three great families' joint research and development; the materials from the Valdez family, the operating equipment from the Colon family, and the energy supply from the Arroyo family. These armors were the culmination of their combined efforts.

"If all goes well, tonight's battle will be a sensation that will shake not only Dragoria but the entire world," Herald said with a proud smile.

Golden Snake nodded in agreement, his smile mirroring Herald's. Although he was not a direct descendant of any of the three great families, he had followed Charlie for many years and could share in the glory. In his heart, he considered himself a Colon.

Meanwhile, Eden was co
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