
Sunday, January 27th, 2019 Pt. 3

(Cole’s POV)

I’ve been back in the Red Fang territory for nearly three months and to say that everything has changed for me is an understatement. I made my way reluctantly back to my room two weeks ago from Dr. Johnston’s house. He’s done everything he could to make me comfortable in his home.

It was over a month after I finally woke up that I was able to get out of bed and move around his house. To my disbelief, he allowed me to interact with his girls and there were several times that he and his mate got an urgent house call on the weekend that resulted in them allowing me to watch over them. I had no desire to leave. They took care of me much like the Jenkins did.

I never experienced hunger and without having to report to my father, I never experienced pain while with the Johnston’s but my father seems to have a sixth sense about me and to keep them from my father’s wrath I left before they were up. No goodbye, no thank you, I just left. Slipping into the darkness like I’ve alway
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