
Chapter 6: Thinking of Her

After Dave dropped off Josephine at her house, he headed to meet his client at an upscale restaurant. When his client, Mr. Johnson, arrived, Dave respectfully greeted him and offered him a seat.

"Good morning, Mr. Johnson."

"Good morning, Mr. CEO. Have a seat," Mr. Johnson replied, and they proceeded to order their meals.

"While waiting for our food, I just want to give you this renewal contract," Dave mentioned as he handed over the documents.

"Oh, thank you. I probably don't need to read it. Haha. I've signed your contract before, and I am very satisfied with your service, especially with Ellaine," Mr. Johnson mentioned Ellaine's name, which brought a hint of sadness to Dave as he remembered his fiancée.

"Yes, because of her, our business prospered, and it was because of her that we closed many deals, including yours," Dave responded, reminiscing about Ellaine's contributions.

"It's a shame that she passed away without receiving justice," Mr. Johnson expressed his thoughts.

"Yes, but we still hope that one day her case will be resolved," Dave added optimistically.

"I hope the culprit is caught so that he can face the consequences. Ellaine was so kind, and what he did was unfair," Mr. Johnson remarked, expressing his hope for justice.

Dave nodded in agreement and recalled the man who had approached Ellaine on the day she died.

"By the way, Mr. CEO, who's the woman you're always with at the mall? Is she your new girlfriend now?" Mr. Johnson asked, changing the somber mood to a lighter one.

Dave chuckled at the question. "Haha, no, she's Ellaine's cousin."

"I see. Haha, sorry about that. I hope you're not offended, Mr. Dave, but you two look like a couple when you're together," Mr. Johnson teased.

"Haha, really? She's just Ellaine's cousin. We're very close because, you know, she's Ellaine's family, so that's probably the bond we share," Dave clarified.

"The two of you are suited to each other. Why not let her fill Ellaine's place, and besides, it's been a year since she passed away," Mr. Johnson suggested.

"What? No, we're just friends, and I respect Ellaine too much. What would she think if her cousin and I became a couple? It would be so awkward," Dave explained.

"Although it's not easy to move on and forget the memories you built, I hope your wounds will heal, and I hope you'll find happiness," Mr. Johnson expressed his understanding.

"Thank you, Mr. Johnson," Dave replied with a smile.

Their conversation was interrupted when the food they had ordered arrived, bringing a light-hearted moment between them.

"Actually, I'm about to sign the contract now. Haha. Were they just cooking the food we ordered?" Mr. Johnson teased the waiter, causing them both to laugh.

"I'll just pay so it won't be deducted from your salary," Dave offered, taking care of the bill.

After signing the contract, Mr. Johnson handed back the documents to Dave. "Thank you so much, Mr. Johnson. It's a pleasure working with you again," Dave expressed his gratitude.

"Thank you, too," Mr. Johnson reciprocated.

They chatted for a while before leaving the restaurant and heading home.

When Dave reached his house, he went straight to his room to rest. Unknowingly, he fell asleep while holding a picture frame with Ellaine's photo. He kissed the frame, expressing his love for her and reminiscing about their time together.

The next morning, Dave woke up to a gentle touch on his face. Startled, he woke up and inadvertently pushed the person in front of him, only to realize it was Josephine.

"Ouch, Dave, that hurt! Why do you look at me as if I'm your enemy?" Josephine joked.

"Josephine? Wait, what are you doing here, and how did you get into my room?" Dave asked in surprise.

"Oh, come on, why do I have to answer you? I'm your friend, so I know your room password. And if you're wondering how I got into your house, your helpers were busy in the garden, so I snuck in," Josephine cheekily explained.

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