
Prologue (part 2)

**8 years later**

“Father hates me,” Grayson cried to his older brother.

“Father does not hate you,” Dupont attempted to reassure his little brother.

“He does! He beat me again today for playing sorcerer!” Grayson lifted his shirt and showed Dupont the fresh marks from his father’s switch. Dupont flinched, involuntarily. He had never felt his father’s anger physically. “He says I will bring down the Demon King on my own head!”

Dupont stroked his brother’s hair. “You know how Father feels about magic, Gray.”

“I know. I wasn’t even playing sorcerer, though, “ he explained. “I was singing and just swinging a stick around.”

“I will talk to Father,” Dupont said, determination in his eyes. He was 16 now. He had stood by long enough while his father beat Grayson for every slight, real or imagined. If he was to be a great king someday, he had to learn to stand up to injustice, even within his own family.

“Please be careful, Duey,” Grayson pleaded. “I don’t want Father to turn on you, too.”

Dupont smiled down at his brother. “It is the older brother’s job to protect the younger, not the other way around.” He ruffled Grayson’s dark curls. “I love you, Gray, and I’ll always be here to protect you.”

By the end of the day, Dupont was dead, and all Grayson could remember about the event was receiving the worst beating of his life afterward.

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