
Chapter 39


Turning around, I instantly recognized the voice. It was too familiar; there was no need to see who it was. Seraphina was staring at me with disgust and mockery, launching insults without restraint.

“So you do really desire a comfortable life, after all, I see. I can’t blame you.”

I despised Seraphina’s words. Understanding her intentions, I decided I wouldn't back down any longer. Fed up with her constant insults and snide remarks, I chose to fight back this time, engaging her in the same game she excelled at.

“Come on, Seraphina. I am sure you know how to live like an omega. Who doesn’t want a better life than serving others?”

Seraphina clapped her hands in response.

“Well done, Ari. At last, you admitted what kind of a woman you really are. I admire your honesty this time. It is only the right choice for you since you lost the chance to be married off to the Jarl. To be honest, I predicted this in my head already. Lord Ulric would be your next target.”

I scoffed at how Seraphin
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