
Book 1: Chapter Forty-One

*** Solaris POV ***

Finn whistled and I peaked my head out of the workout room. “Beta is here.”

My eyes narrowed and I grabbed my shirt I had discarded on some of the workout equipment. I also snagged a towel and wiped my face, hanging it around my shoulders before walking out into the bar. Sure enough, Nate was standing awkwardly in the entry to the bar. His hands were shoved in his pockets and his shoulders were hunched over. As I walked up, he looked up at me, dark circles under his eyes.

“I’m glad you’re up and about. Honestly, I expected you to be holed up for a few more days.” I smiled but he didn’t smile back.

“Aelia, I need to talk to you.”

I hummed. “Sure. You want to go into town? I’ve got a hankering for some food. We could go have dinner.”

Noah walked down the stairs. “Sol…”

“I’m fine today. Relax. I’ve had enough recovery time. Plus, I’m not gonna be out all night, Dad.”

Noah grumble

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