
Chapter 1130

"Trouble at work," Lulu replied and stood aside. "Come in."

Suddenly, she hesitated. "If I let you in…"

"Easy. Just say I barged in," Irene joked.

Lulu nodded. "The air outside is good. Wait here."

Lulu hurried to Star's room, putting her down to make sure she did not dirty her diaper, and was comfortable with it.

Everything was fine, so she held Star in her arms and gently walked her.

Star's slowly stopped bawling and after calming her down, Lulu smiled at Irene. "Let's talk out in the garden."

Star seemed exhausted after crying and leaned against Lulu's shoulder as she carried Star to the garden.

Irene smiled even as she stared at Star's little cheeks, which were just fleshing out.

She loved daughters but regrettably had none.

"Let me carry her," she said.

"Didn't you just touch down? You should rest," Lulu said, having a hunch that Irene was already in flight when she texted her.

"I'm fine," Irene said.

Isaac left to take a call, leaving smoothly to let the ladies spend
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