
Chapter 167

"You were consulting Stan about business administration, weren't you? Because you know nothing about that?"

Isaac's voice was quiet, even calm—but the undercurrent in his voice was violent!

Irene braced herself and met his gaze. "My dad left the company under my management, but I studied medicine and know nothing about business. I also thought that you'd be busy and didn't want to impose, which was why I asked Stan—"

"Really?" Isaac chortled coolly. "Tell me, what's gotten into you this time?!"

Irene smiled. "But I'm just fine—"

"Still keeping up that act?" Isaac snapped, cutting her short. "Did my grandfather talk to you?"

Irene's smile faded right then, and her lips curled downward.

"Did he tell you to leave me?" Isaac asked.

Irene hung her head, but said, "No."

"Then why are you being so cold?" he demanded.

Irene suddenly looked up, her face suddenly pale. "Because I don't want to…"

… Fall for him, and be lost in her attraction to him.

"Don't want to what?" Isaac took
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