
103. Ready for a Revenge 

103. Ready for a Revenge

Jade's POV

I thought I was dead. The pain I experienced was deathly. If pain from death doesn't feel like this then I wonder what else does.

Maybe I wasn't because I could hear my breathing. It was slow and smooth. Like I was laying on soft warm grass under an evening sky and just relaxing.

My body was at peace. The pain no longer shaking my core. In the dark I lifted a hand to my neck. To the spot Matteo bit me. No pain again. But there were two dots. Wet dots.

I tried to look around myself. Except for complete darkness I saw none. My limbs moved on their own accord. Though it was dark, I moved ahead. I hoped to find the end of this dark tunnel, wishing that it would greet me with an opening radiating with light.

I walked and continued to walk until I saw a dot flickering across my gaze. It was the size of a pearl. But as I stared at it with undivided focus, it grew bigger. Within a minute it grew the size of watermelon, and as I continued to look at it,
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Danielle Tyrrell
Wow!!! Ok so now where are you Zach, let’s get this show on the road, your Mrs and your baby need you. Or do they…

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